
All donations made to us have gone towards the running of our Project and our work to remember those local people who served their country in wartime. We will never forget them.

If you would like to support our Project by funding us direct, you can do so here:

Support Our Work

We have been generously funded by the following bodies, in chronological order:

CNet Bradford

  • 2010: Oakworth Forward (now defunct) applied for a grant through CNet on our behalf for funding to produce the previous incarnation of our website and set up our wiki database.

Oakworth Forward

  • 2011: Funded our membership of for three years, to enable us to carry out our research.
  • 2012: Partly funded a reception after the unveiling of Private Herbert Moore's CWGC headstone.
  • 2013: Funded the creation of a new roll of honour for Oakworth Village (we're still in the process of researching the names for this.)

Oakworth Village Society

  • Contributed to the reception funds for Private Herbert Moore's headstone unveiling.

Keighley Town Council

  • 2014: Through the support of Keighley Mayor Councillor Graham Mitchell, K.T.C. funded and organised an event to mark the occasion and a reception for relatives of Keighley's Old Contemptibles for our 4th August 2014 event to mark the centenary of the start of the Great War and the Old Contemptibles' Association.
  • 2014: Funded the conservation work on Keighley Old Contemptible's Association standard.
  • 2015: Acorn Fund -purchase of a new gazebo and banner for our outdoor displays and Ancestry membership for one year.
  • 2016: Acorn Fund - Twelve display banners and one advertising banner for our SOMME 100 - KEIGHLEY'S MEN exhibition in Keighley Library which ran from 2nd July 2016 to 19th November 2016.
  • 2017: Oak Fund - Funded our BATTLE OF ARRAS exhibition in Keighley Library, a special ceremony to dedicate the CWGC headstone of Private Ivor Tempest Greenwood at Utley Cemetery, and funded our Nine display banners for our  BATTLE OF THIRD YPRES AND PASSCHENDAELE exhibition, in Keighley Library. Funded our Ancestry membership for one year.

Haworth, Cross Roads and Stanbury Parish Council

  • 2015: Funded our Ancestry membership for one year, and an amount to enable us to purchase and download regimental war diaries from the National Archives to aid us in our research.

Katherine Roberts, Chair of Keighley Royal British Legion Branch, Keighley Town Councillor (retired)

  • 2015: Made a very generous personal donation towards the work of our group.
  • 2015: Supplied us with a digital projector and screen for our talks.

Haworth 1940's weekend organising committee

  • 2016: They very generously gave us a pitch free of charge at this year's event.
  • 2017: They very generously gave us a pitch free of charge at this year's event.

The Friends of Cross Roads Park

  • 2017: They made a large donation towards the work of our Project after the unveiling of the new Cross Roads Primitive Methodist Sunday School war memorial.

Other funding

We would also like to mention the many donations given to us over the years from groups whom we have given talks to, and from members of the public who have just put money in our collecting tin, most have been anonymous but you know who you are... Thank you very much indeed for your continuing support!

Not funding per se, but certainly supportive:

Last and certainly not least, the gracious support from Nigel Peck who helped us enormously with the previous incarnation of our website and the original development of this website, which was above and beyond the call of duty.

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