2/6th West Riding nominal roll

This is the nominal roll of men from the 2/6th Battalion, Duke of Wellington's (West Riding) Regiment who embarked for France from Folkestone to Boulogne on 13th and 14th April 1915.
The list has been compiled from the book 'Craven's Part in the Great War' which was produced after the Great War as a tribute to the men of the Skipton Parliamentary Divison who gave their lives in that war.
We reproduce it here because many men from Keighley and the Worth Valley are listed in it.
The transcription work was carried out by Men of Worth Project volunteer Christine Hudson and we are very grateful for her contribution.

A similar list for the 1/6th Battalion is available here: 1/6th West Riding nominal roll.

Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment photographs.

Key to terms used:

Pte. = Private
L/Cpl. = Lance Corporal
Cpl. = Corporal
L/Sgt. = Lance Sergeant
Sgt = Sergeant
O.R.S. = Orderly Room Sergeant
S/S. = Staff Sergeant
Arm.S. = Armourer Sergeant
C.Q.M.S. = Company Quarter Master Sergeant
R.Q.M.S. = Regimental Quarter Master Sergeant

C.S.M = Company Sergeant Major
R.S.M. = Regimental Sergeant Major
Coy. = Company
Bn. = Battalion
Water Duty = Water Duty Men, attached from the 2/2nd West Riding Field Ambulance
62 Div. H.Q. = 62nd Divisional Headquarters
186 Inf. Bde. = 186th Infantry Brigade
186 L/T.M.B. = 186th Light Trench Mortar Battery

Abra, G | Pte. | A Coy.
Ackroyd, A | Pte. | A Coy.
Ackroyd, H.R | Cpl. | A Coy.
Alderson, M | Pte. | C. Coy.
Allott, P | Pte. | C. Coy.
Altoft, J.W. | Pte. | D. Coy.
Alton, A.E | Pte. | B. Coy.
Alton, E | Pte. | B. Coy.
Alton, G.H | Pte. | A Coy.
Ambler, N | Pte. | D. Coy.
Anderson, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Anderton, T | Pte. | A Coy.
Armitage, J | Pte. | D. Coy.
Arundale, A | Pte. | A Coy.
Athorn, G | Pte. | B. Coy.
Atkins, E.C | Pte. | C. Coy.
Atkins, J.R. | Pte. | C. Coy.
Atkinson, A.F | Cpl. | B. Coy.
Atkinson, S | Pte. | A Coy.
Atkinson, W | Pte. | C. Coy.
Ayrton, H | Sgt. | A Coy.
Bailey, J.H. | Pte. | D. Coy.
Bailey, J.W | Pte. | C. Coy.
Bailey, W | Pte. | C. Coy.
Bainbridge, C | Pte. | C. Coy.
Ball, F.M | Pte. | B. Coy.
Bancroft, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Bankcroft, J.M | Pte. | D. Coy.
Banks, H | Pte. | A Coy.
Banks, J | Q.M.S. | 186 Inf. Bde.
Banks, W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Barber, W | Pte. | D. Coy.
Barker, F.A | Cpl. | A Coy.
Barker, G | Pte. | B. Coy.
Barker, G | Pte. | B. Coy.
Barker, M | Pte. | B. Coy.
Barker, N | Pte. | B. Coy.
Barker, R | Pte. | A Coy.
Barlow, A | Pte. | A Coy.
Barrett, A.N | Cpl. | C. Coy.
Barrett, W | Pte. | A Coy.
Barrett, W.H | Pte. | A Coy.
Bates, J | Pte. | A Coy.
Bateson, R | Pte. | A Coy.
Batley, A | Pte. | A Coy.
Beales, E | Pte. | A Coy.
Beard, F.W | C.Q.M.S. | A Coy.
Beard, J.H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Beaumont, C | Pte. | B. Coy.
Beaver, F | Pte. | D. Coy.
Bebb, S | Pte. | B. Coy.
Beck, W.H | Pte. | A Coy.
Beecroft, A | Pte. | D. Coy.
Beevers, C.H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Belcher, G | Pte. | B. Coy.
Bell, A | Pte. | A Coy.
Bell, G | Pte. | A Coy.
Bell, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Bell, J.W | Pte. | 186 L/T.M.B.
Bellerby, T.F | Pte. | C. Coy.
Bennett, J | Pte. | B. Coy.
Benson, M | Pte. | B. Coy.
Bentley, S | Pte. | C. Coy.
Bentley, S.H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Bentley, W.T | Pte. | A Coy.
Berry, S | Pte. | A Coy.
Best, G | Pte. | A Coy.
Billinger, E | Pte. | D. Coy.
Bilton, H | L/Cpl. | C. Coy.
Binns, D | Pte. | B. Coy.
Binns, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Binns, W | Pte. | C. Coy.
Birch, G | Pte. | A Coy.
Birch, W.L | Pte. | D. Coy.
Birchenough, E.W. | Cpl. | D. Coy.
Birkett, J | Pte. | A Coy.
Birtle, J | Pte. | A Coy.
Bishop, E | Pte. | A Coy.
Black, J.H | Pte. | A Coy.
Blackah, J.H | Pte. | A Coy.
Blackburn, A.D | Pte. | A Coy.
Blackburn, H | L/Cpl. | D. Coy.
Blackburn, W | Pte. | A Coy.
Blackey, F | Pte. | A Coy.
Boocock, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Booth, B | Pte. | A Coy.
Boothman, S | Pte. | A Coy.
Boothman, W.H | Pte. | A Coy.
Bosworthick, T.E | Sgt. | A Coy.
Bottomley, H | Pte. | A Coy.
Bower, I | Pte. | D. Coy.
Bowker, E | Pte. | C. Coy.
Bowker, J.C | Pte. | C. Coy.
Bowley, J.R | Pte. | A Coy.
Bowman, G | Pte. | A Coy.
Bownass, T | Cpl. | C. Coy.
Boyd, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Bracewell, F | Pte. | B. Coy.
Bracewell, W | Pte. | C. Coy.
Bramall, W | Pte. | C. Coy.
Branker, A | Sgt. | A Coy.
Branker, W.J | Pte. | C. Coy.
Bray, H | Pte. | A Coy.
Brayshaw, J.H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Breare, J | Pte. | C. Coy.
Breekes, E | Pte. | D. Coy.
Breen, W | Pte. | A Coy.
Bridge, A | Pte. | A Coy.
Brigg, J | Pte. | D. Coy.
Briggs, A | Pte. | C. Coy.
Briggs, S.E | Pte. | D. Coy.
Britton, F.A | Pte. | A Coy.
Broadbent, J | Pte. | A Coy.
Brook, N | Pte. | D. Coy.
Brook, W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Brookes, W | Pte. | A Coy.
Brooks, C.S | Pte. | C. Coy.
Brooks, J | Pte. | B. Coy.
Brotherton, B | Pte. | B. Coy.
Brotherton, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Broughton, W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Brown, A.B | Pte. | A Coy.
Brown, B.E | Pte. | C. Coy.
Brown, C.E | Pte. | B. Coy.
Brown, E | Pte. | C. Coy.
Brown, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Brown, J | Pte. | D. Coy.
Brown, J.W | Pte. | C. Coy.
Brown, S | Pte. | 186 L/T.M.B.
Bruce, W | Pte. | C. Coy.
Bryan, C. W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Buckley, J | Cpl. | D. Coy.
Buckley, M | Pte. | B. Coy.
Bulcock, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Bunting, J | Pte. | A Coy.
Burdett, W.E | Pte. | D. Coy.
Burnett, W.C | Pte. | C. Coy.
Burrill, A | Pte. | D. Coy.
Burrow, G | Cpl. | C. Coy.
Busfield, A | Pte. | A Coy.
Bushby, J.B | Sgt. | A Coy.
Butler, G | Pte. | D. Coy.
Butler, W | Sgt. | D. Coy.
Butterfield, j | Pte. | B. Coy.
Bygrave, G | Pte. | B. Coy.
Calligan, P | Pte. | D. Coy.
Calver, E | Pte. | A Coy.
Campbell, E | S/S. | Arm.S.
Capstick, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Capstick, N.V | Pte. | C. Coy.
Cardwell, F | Pte. | B. Coy.
Carey, A | Pte. | A Coy.
Carr, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Carter, T | Pte. | B. Coy.
Cartledge, W | Pte. | C. Coy.
Cartwright, M | Pte. | C. Coy.
Cason, W | Pte. | D. Coy.
Catherall, I | Pte. | B. Coy.
Cathey, W | Pte. | D. Coy.
Catlow, S | Pte. | D. Coy.
Caton, W | Pte. | A Coy.
Cawdrey, W | Pte. | C. Coy.
Chapman, J | L/Cpl. | D. Coy.
Chapman, R | Pte. | A Coy.
Chapman, W | Pte. | A Coy.
Charlton, R | Pte. | 186 L/T.M.B.
Chester, A.W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Chester, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Chester, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Child, W.R | Pte. | B. Coy.
Churchman, J | L/Cpl. | B. Coy.
Clapham, R | Pte. | C. Coy.
Clapperon, J | Pte. | 186 Inf. Bde.
Clarke, A | C.S.M. | A Coy.
Clarke, E | Pte. | D. Coy.
Clarkson, I.A | Pte. | B. Coy.
Clayton, A.N | Pte. | A Coy.
Clayton, H.A | L/Cpl. | C. Coy.
Clemmett, T | Pte. | C. Coy.
Clough, W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Coates, B.B | Pte. | 186 L/T.M.B.
Coates, T | Pte. | C. Coy.
Cobb, G | Pte. | A Coy.
Cockcroft, W | L/Cpl. | A Coy.
Cockerill, B | Pte. | D. Coy.
Cocksedge, A | Pte. | B. Coy.
Constantine, T | Pte. | D. Coy.
Convine, W | Dvr. | B. Coy.
Cook, G | Pte. | D. Coy.
Cook, W | Pte. | D. Coy.
Cook, W | Pte. | A Coy.
Cooke, H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Cookson, J | Pte. | D. Coy.
Cooper, E | Ord. Rm. Sgt. | C. Coy.
Cornall, J | Pte. | A Coy.
Costello, T.W | Pte. | D. Coy.
Coulthard, R | Pte. | B. Coy.
Cousins, G.E | Pte. | A Coy.
Cowgill, J | Pte. | D. Coy.
Cowgill, J. H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Cowley, J | Pte. | D. Coy.
Cowling, J | Pte. | D. Coy.
Cox, W | Pte. | A Coy.
Coy, G | Pte. | D. Coy.
Crabtree, A.E | Pte. | C. Coy.
Creasey, G. B | L/Sgt. | C. Coy.
Crockford, J.E | Pte. | A Coy.
Crook, G.E | Pte. | B. Coy.
Crossley, W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Crowe, F.T | Pte. | C. Coy.
Crowther, A | Pte. | D. Coy.
Crowther, E | Cpl. | 186 L/T.M.B.
Cryer, C | Pte. | D. Coy.
Culbert, J.E | Pte. | A Coy.
Cullam, J | Pte. | A Coy.
Curry, F | L/Cpl. | A Coy.
Dalton, F | Pte. | D. Coy.
Davey, A | Pte. | A Coy.
Davies, H | Pte. | A Coy.
Dawson, A.E | Sgt. | B. Coy.
Dawson, E | Pte. | A Coy.
Dawson, E.R | Pte. | A Coy.
Dawson, W | Pte. | D. Coy.
Dean, S.W | Pte. | C. Coy.
Dearden, T | Pte. | B. Coy.
Deighton, J.T | Pte. | A Coy.
Dennard, W | Cpl. | A Coy.
Denton, J.W | Pte. | A Coy.
Dewhirst, E | Sgt. | C. Coy.
Dixon, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Dobson, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Dobson, T | Pte. | B. Coy.
Dobson, T.A | Pte. | A Coy.
Doherty, P | Pte. | D. Coy.
Dolphin T | L/Sgt. | D. Coy.
Downes, T | Pte. | A Coy.
Downie, G | Pte. | C. Coy.
Doyle, A | Pte. | D. Coy.
Drake, E | Pte. | C. Coy.
Drake, E | Pte. | D. Coy.
Drake, H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Dransfield, P | L/Cpl. | C. Coy.
Driver, E | Sgt. | B. Coy.
Driver, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Duckett, W | Pte. | D. Coy.
Duckworth, W | Pte. | D. Coy.
Dugdale, F | Pte. | C. Coy.
Duxbury, R | Pte. | D. Coy.
Eals, F | Sgt. | B. Coy.
Earle, S.P | Pte. | D. Coy.
Eccles, A.P | L/Cpl. | D. Coy.
Eccles, W | Pte. | D. Coy.
Edmondson,H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Edwards, R | Pte. | B. Coy.
Egan, M | Pte. | C. Coy.
Ellison, R | Pte. | D. Coy.
Emlsey, J.F | Pte. | D. Coy.
Emmott, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
England, C | Pte. | D. Coy.
Entwistle, J | Pte. | D. Coy.
Everitt, D | Pte. | C. Coy.
Exley, A | Pte. | C. Coy.
Exley, S.A | L/Cpl. | C. Coy.
Fairburn, C | Pte. | D. Coy.
Fairclough, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Falkingham, H | Pte. | 186 L/T.M.B.
Faux, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Fawcett, G | Pte. | B. Coy.
Fawell, E | Pte. | A Coy.
Feather, E | Pte. | B. Coy.
Feather, L | Pte. | 186 L/T.M.B.
Fender, J.A | Pte. | C. Coy.
Fenwick, T.W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Fern, S.E | Pte. | A Coy.
Fieldsend, L | Pte. | C. Coy.
Finding, G | R.S.M. | D. Coy.
Fisher, J | Pte. | A Coy.
Fisher, S.G | Pte. | C. Coy.
Flesher, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Fletcher, C.S | Pte. | A Coy.
Flynn, A | Pte. | A Coy.
Ford, A | Pte. | C. Coy.
Forman, A | Pte. | D. Coy.
Forrest, H.B | Pte. | C. Coy.
Fortune, H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Fortune, T | Pte. | B. Coy.
Foster, J | Pte. | A Coy.
Foster, T | Pte. | A Coy.
Foster, T | Pte. | C. Coy.
Foulds, A | Pte. | D. Coy.
Fox, L.W | Pte. | C. Coy.
Fozard, J.W | Pte. | D. Coy.
Frankland, J.R. | Pte. | 186 Inf. Bde.
Freeman, T | Pte. | A Coy.
Furness, H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Gamble, D | Pte. | A Coy.
Gardiner, S | Cpl. | C. Coy.
Garner, T.W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Garnett, T.H | L/Cpl. | D. Coy.
Garrett, J | Pte. | A Coy.
Gartside, C.H | C.S.M. | B. Coy.
Gath, P | Pte. | D. Coy.
Gee, R.V | Sgt. | C. Coy.
Geldard, N | Pte. | D. Coy.
Geldard, T | Pte. | A Coy.
Gibson, J | Sgt. | A Coy.
Gilbert, J.T | Pte. | C. Coy.
Gill, E | Pte. | C. Coy.
Gill, E | Pte. | C. Coy.
Gilman, H.R | Pte. | B. Coy.
Gledhill, N | Pte. | D. Coy.
Godfrey, J | Dvr. | C. Coy.
Golding, G | Cpl. | B. Coy.
Goodall, W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Goodwin, R.J | Pte. | C. Coy.
Gornall, E | Pte. | C. Coy.
Gothard, E | Pte. | A Coy.
Gowers, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Graham, B | Pte. | D. Coy.
Graham, H | Pte. | A Coy.
Graham, L | Pte. | D. Coy.
Green, A.E | Cpl. | B. Coy.
Green, F | Pte. | C. Coy.

Green, H | Cpl. | 186 L/T.M.B.
Green, H | Pte. | A Coy.
Green, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Greenacre, W | Pte. | C. Coy.
Greenbank, J | Pte. | D. Coy.
Greenbank, W | Pte. | D. Coy.
Greenwood, A | Pte. | C. Coy.
Greenwood, J | Pte. | A Coy.
Greenwood, J | Pte. | A Coy.
Greenwood, J.E | Pte. | C. Coy.
Greenwood, L | Pte. | D. Coy.
Greenwood, R | Pte. | B. Coy.
Grimshaw, R | L/Cpl. | D. Coy.
Grimston, H | Pte. | A Coy.
Groom, W.N | L/Cpl. | B. Coy.
Guy, G | Pte. | A Coy.
Hadfield, F | Pte. | B. Coy.
Hadfield, G | Pte. | B. Coy.
Haigh, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Haigh, J | Pte. | B. Coy.
Haigh, W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Hall, L | Pte. | B. Coy.
Hall, W | Pte. | C. Coy.
Halliday | Pte. | D. Coy.
Hammond, G.F | Pte. | B. Coy.
Hanson, A | Pte. | B. Coy.
Harbinson, C | Pte. | B. Coy.
Hardisty, E | Pte. | D. Coy.
Hardwick, J.R | Pte. | D. Coy.
Hardwick, L | Pte. | B. Coy.
Hardwick, S | Pte. | B. Coy.
Hardy, T | Pte. | D. Coy.
Hargreaves, A.D | Pte. | C. Coy.
Hargreaves, C.A | Pte. | B. Coy.
Hargreaves, F | Pte. | D. Coy.
Hargreaves, R.W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Hargreaves, S.J | Pte. | A Coy.
Hargreaves, T | L/Cpl. | A Coy.
Harker, W | Pte. | A Coy.
Harper, F | Pte. | B. Coy.
Harper, J | Pte. | C. Coy.
Harris, T.W. | Pte. | D. Coy.
Harrison, A | Pte. | B. Coy.
Harrison, J | Pte. | B. Coy.
Hartley, A | Pte. | D. Coy.
Hartley, E | Pte. | A Coy.
Hartley, J.F | Pte. | A Coy.
Harwood, J.T | Pte. | B. Coy.
Hawker, T | Pte. | B. Coy.
Hawkins, B | Pte. | A Coy.
Haworth, A | Cpl. | C. Coy.
Haworth, F | L/Cpl. | C. Coy.
Haworth, H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Haworth, H | Pte. | A Coy.
Haworth, J | Dvr. | C. Coy.
Haworth, W | Pte. | A Coy.
Hawxwell, T | Pte. | C. Coy.
Hayhurst, J | Pte. | D. Coy.
Haywood, G | Cpl. | D. Coy.
Heaton, A | Cpl. | D. Coy.
Heaton, H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Heaton, T.R | Sgt. | D. Coy.
Hebden, A | Cpl. | C. Coy.
Hedges, F | Pte. | B. Coy.
Henderson, W | Pte. | D. Coy.
Herringshaw, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Herrington, E | Pte. | C. Coy.
Heslop, W.E | Pte. | D. Coy.
Hewitt, T.E | Pte. | C. Coy.
Hey, A | Pte. | B. Coy.
Hickey, J | Pte. | B. Coy.
Higgs, I | Pte. | B. Coy.
Hilary, H | L/Cpl. | A Coy.
Hiles, J.H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Hill, B | Pte. | B. Coy.
Hindle, J | Pte. | D. Coy.
Hindle, J.W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Hird, S | Pte. | C. Coy.
Hird, T | Pte. | D. Coy.
Hirst, C.E | Pte. | B. Coy.
Hirst, G.W | Pte. | A Coy.
Hobson, J | Pte. | C. Coy.
Hodges, S | Pte. | D. Coy.
Hodgkinson, W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Hodgson, A | Pte. | D. Coy.
Hodgson, S | Cpl. | A Coy.
Hodkinson, A | L/Cpl. | B. Coy.
Hodkinson, W.H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Hogan, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Holdsworth, A | Pte. | B. Coy.
Holdsworth, J | Pte. | A Coy.
Holgate, A | Pte. | C. Coy.
Hollingsworth, D | Pte. | B. Coy.
Holmes, F | Pte. | A Coy.
Holmes, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Holmes, J.W | Sgt. | D. Coy.
Holmes, N | Sgt. | D. Coy.
Hope, W | Pte. | 62 Div.H.Q.
Hopkins, L.W | Pte. | C. Coy.
Hopkins, W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Horner, H | Pte. | A Coy.
Horner, J | Pte. | C. Coy.
Horner, T | Pte. | A Coy.
Horner, T.M | Pte. | D. Coy.
Horseman, A | Pte. | C. Coy.
Horsfield, W | C.Q.M.S. | B. Coy.
Howarth, E | Pte. | A Coy.
Howarth, J | Pte. | B. Coy.
Howell, R | Pte. | C. Coy.
Huby, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Hudson, E.A | Pte. | A Coy.
Hudson, J | Pte. | D. Coy.
Hudson, W | Cpl. | B. Coy.
Hull, W.R | Pte. | C. Coy.
Hulme, J | Pte. | A Coy.
Hunter, J | Pte. | D. Coy.
Hurst, A | Pte. | A Coy.
Hutchinson, J | L/Cpl. | D. Coy.
Ibbetson, F | Pte. | A Coy.
Ibbetson. E | Pte. | D. Coy.
Imeson, B | Pte. | D. Coy.
ingham, A | Pte. | C. Coy.
Inman, J | Pte. | D. Coy.
Inskip, G | Pte. | B. Coy.
Ives, E | L/Cpl. | B. Coy.
Jackson, J.B | Sgt. | C. Coy.
Jackson, J.H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Jackson, T.G | Pte. | B. Coy.
Jackson, W | Pte. | A Coy.
Jacques, A | Pte. | A Coy.
Jeffries, G | Pte. | D. Coy.
Jessop, J.W | Sgt. | D. Coy.
Jewitt, S | Pte. | A Coy.
Johnson, C | Pte. | D. Coy.
Johnson, R.S | Pte. | A Coy.
Johnson, R.S | Pte. | A Coy.
Johnson, T | Cpl. | B. Coy.
Jolly, P.W | Cpl. | A Coy.
Jones, M | Pte. | D. Coy.
Jowett, J | Pte. | C. Coy.
Kaye, J | Pte. | C. Coy.
Kearns, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Keay, J.A | Pte. | C. Coy.
Keighley, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Kelly, W | Pte. | A Coy.
Kempton, H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Kendall, G | Pte. | A Coy.
Kershaw, W | Pte. | C. Coy.
Kew, W | Pte. | C. Coy.
Key, A | Pte. | A Coy.
King, C.F | Pte. | A Coy.
King, R.E | Sgt. | A Coy.
Kirk, A | Pte. | Water Duty
Kirk, J | Pte. | A Coy.
Kitson, A | Pte. | D. Coy.
Kitson, H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Knowles, W | Pte. | D. Coy.
Lake, C | L/Cpl. | D. Coy.
Lamb, T | Pte. | Water Duty
Lambert, C | Pte. | A Coy.
Lambert, F | Pte. | D. Coy.
Lambert, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Lambert, R | Pte. | D. Coy.
Lane, S.R | Cpl. | B. Coy.
Lang, J | Pte. | D. Coy.
Langford, G.T | Pte. | A Coy.
Lawson, A | Pte. | C. Coy.
Lawson, J | Pte. | B. Coy.
Lawson, R | Pte. | C. Coy.
Laycock, E | Pte. | A Coy.
Leach, W | Pte. | D. Coy.
Leadbetter, R | Pte. | C. Coy.
Lee, C | Sgt. | B. Coy.
Lee, S | Pte. | A Coy.
Letheron, W.J.C | Pte. | C. Coy.
Liggins, E.T | Pte. | A Coy.
Lister, J.W | L/Cpl. | C. Coy.
Little, S | Pte. | C. Coy.
Livesey, P | Pte. | D. Coy.
Lobley, T | Pte. | C. Coy.
Long, D | L/Sgt. | C. Coy.
Longbottom, E | Pte. | D. Coy.
Lovell, A.H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Lund, A | Pte. | A Coy.
Lund, E | Pte. | A Coy.
Lund, E | Pte. | B. Coy.
Lund, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Lund, J | Pte. | B. Coy.
Lund, J.H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Lund, M | Pte. | A Coy.
Lupton, A.H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Lupton, J | Pte. | C. Coy.
Lynch, J | Pte. | A Coy.
Lyons, F | Dvr. | B. Coy.
MacDonnell, M | Pte. | C. Coy.
MacNulty, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Marcham, E | Pte. | D. Coy.
Maren, J | L/Sgt. | A Coy.
Marshall, G. A | Pte. | D. Coy.
Marshall, I | Pte. | C. Coy.
Marshall, L.W | Pte. | C. Coy.
Marshall, W.A | Pte. | C. Coy.
Marshall, W.A | Dvr. | C. Coy.
Marshall, W.H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Masey, W | Pte. | D. Coy.
Mason, F.S | Pte. | B. Coy.
Mason, G | Cpl. | B. Coy.
Mason, R | Sgt. | A Coy.
Mason, R | Cpl. | B. Coy.
Mason, W.B | Pte. | D. Coy.
Mattison, H | Sgt. | D. Coy.
Maude, J | Sgt. | D. Coy.
Maudsley, H | L/Sgt. | A Coy.
Mawson, J.H | Pte. | B. Coy.
McCall, W.R | Pte. | B. Coy.
McDermott, F | Pte. | D. Coy.
McGlynn, J | Pte. | C. Coy.
McLelland, E | Pte. | A Coy.
McLeod, J.T | Sgt. | B. Coy.
Mellor, T | Pte. | A Coy.
Metcalfe, C | L/Cpl. | A Coy.
Metcalfe, C | Pte. | D. Coy.
Metcalfe, E | Pte. | B. Coy.
Metcalfe, F.T | Sgt. | C. Coy.
Metcalfe, G | Pte. | B. Coy.
Metcalfe, J | Pte. | D. Coy.
Metcalfe, N.S | Pte. | C. Coy.
Metcalfe, R | Pte. | A Coy.
Metcalfe, W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Midgley, J | Pte. | B. Coy.
Midgley, J.E | Pte. | D. Coy.
Miles, F.J | L/Cpl. | B. Coy.
Miller, G | Pte. | B. Coy.
Miller, T | Pte. | B. Coy.
Mills, A.E | Pte. | C. Coy.
Mitchell, A | Pte. | A Coy.
Mitchell, F | Pte. | C. Coy.
Mitchell, L.P | Pte. | C. Coy.
Mitchell, S | Cpl. | B. Coy.
Mitchell, W | Cpl. | D. Coy.
Moon, S.T | Pte. | C. Coy.
Mooney, J.S | Sgt. | C. Coy.
Moorby, J.T | Pte. | C. Coy.
Moore, G | Pte. | B. Coy.
Moore, R | Pte. | A Coy.
Moorhouse, E | Pte. | C. Coy.
Moorhouse, H.P | Pte. | A Coy.
Moran, J | Pte. | C. Coy.
Moreland, T | Pte. | B. Coy.
Morgan, H | Sgt. | A Coy.
Morrell, G | Pte. | A Coy.
Mortimer, M | Pte. | D. Coy.
Morton, R | Pte. | D. Coy.
Mosley, J | Pte. | C. Coy.
Moulds, H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Mounsey, G | Pte. | D. Coy.
Mudd, G | Cpl. | C. Coy.
Mudd, J.H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Mudd, W | Pte. | A Coy.
Murphy, A | Pte. | D. Coy.
Murphy, C | Pte. | B. Coy.
Myers, C.H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Neal, C | Pte. | C. Coy.
Nelson, J | Pte. | B. Coy.
Nettleton, J | L/Cpl. | B. Coy.
News, C.W | Sgt. | B. Coy.
Nichol, T | Pte. | D. Coy.
Nichols, A | L/Cpl | C. Coy.
Nicholson, J | Pte. | D. Coy.
Nixon, E | Pte. | C. Coy.
Norfolk, C | Pte. | C. Coy.
Norton, A | Pte. | A Coy.
Norton, E. J | C.Q.M.S. | C. Coy.
Nunn, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Nussey, J.T | Pte. | D. Coy.
Nutter, A | Pte. | A Coy.
Nutter, R | Pte. | B. Coy.
Oddie, S.T | Pte. | A Coy.
Oddie, W | L/Cpl. | A Coy.
Oddy, A | Pte. | A Coy.
Oldham, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Omerod, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Organ, W | Pte. | C. Coy.
Ormerod, A | Pte. | D. Coy.
Ormondroyd, S | Pte. | C. Coy.
Overend, E | Pte. | A Coy.
Overend, P | Pte. | C. Coy.
Oversby, W | Pte. | D. Coy.
Park, W | Pte. | A Coy.
Parker, H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Parker, J.L | Pte. | A Coy.
Parker, J.T | Pte. | A Coy.
Parker, T | Pte. | C. Coy.
Parkinson, J | Pte. | C. Coy.
Parkinson, T | Pte. | B. Coy.
Parratt, J | Pte. | A Coy.
Parrington, E | Pte. | D. Coy.
Parrington, T | Pte. | A Coy.
Partridge, J | Pte. | B. Coy.
Pass, J | Pte. | C. Coy.
Pateman, J | Pte. | A Coy.
Pattison, J | Pte. | B. Coy.
Payne, R.N. A | Pte. | D. Coy.
Peace, S | Pte. | D. Coy.
Peacock, E | Sgt. | D. Coy.
Peacock, G | Pte. | D. Coy.
Peacock, S | L/Cpl. | D. Coy.
Pearson, R | Pte. | D. Coy.
Peel, J | Pte. | D. Coy.
Pennington, J.A | L/Cpl. | D. Coy.
Percival, F | Pte. | B. Coy.
Petty, W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Petty, W | Pte. | D. Coy.
Petty, W | Sgt. | B. Coy.
Phillips, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Phillips, V.W | Pte. | D. Coy.
Pickering, P | Pte. | D. Coy.
Pickles, H | Dvr. | A Coy.
Pickles, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Pickles, J | Cpl. | D. Coy.
Pickup, W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Pighills, A | Pte. | C. Coy.
Pike, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Pilling, N | Pte. | B. Coy.
Pitt, T | Pte. | B. Coy.
Plews, J | Pte. | B. Coy.
Pollard, A | Sgt. | B. Coy.
Ponder, A | Pte. | D. Coy.
Porrit, L | Pte. | Water Duty
Powell, W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Pratt, F | Pte. | B. Coy.
Preston, A | Pte. | A Coy.
Preston, T | Pte. | C. Coy.
Priestley, A | Pte. | B. Coy.
Pybus, A | Pte. | B. Coy.
Raine, E.R | Pte. | C. Coy.
Ralph, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Ramsden. F.D | Pte. | D. Coy.
Ratcliffe, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Rawlings, C | Pte. | B. Coy.
Rayner, J | Pte. | A Coy.
Raynor, J.B | Pte. | A Coy.
Read, T | Pte. | B. Coy.
Redman, W | Dvr. | D. Coy.
Reedy, N | Pte. | 186 L/T.M.B.
Reynard, G | Pte. | D. Coy.
Reynard, J | Pte. | C. Coy.
Rhodes, S | L/Cpl. | A Coy.
Richardson, A | Pte. | B. Coy.
Richardson, F.L. | Pte. | D. Coy.
Ridehalgh, C | Pte. | B. Coy.
Ridge, W | Pte. | C. Coy.
Riley, E | Pte. | D. Coy.
Riley, H | Pte. | 186 L/T.M.B.
Riley, J | Pte. | B. Coy.
Riley, L | Pte. | A Coy.
Robert, A | Pte. | C. Coy.
Robertshaw, J.H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Robinson, A | Pte. | B. Coy.
Robinson, A | Pte. | C. Coy.
Robinson, A | Pte. | D. Coy.
Robinson, A.V | Pte. | C. Coy.
Robinson, C | Pte. | C. Coy.
Robinson, C. C | Pte. | A Coy.
Robinson, J | Pte. | B. Coy.
Robinson, J.R | Cpl. | D. Coy.
Robinson, J.W | L/Cpl. | D. Coy.
Robinson, T.J | Sgt. | A Coy.
Rodgers, W | Pte. | D. Coy.
Rogers, W.C | C.S.M. | C. Coy.
Roll, J.R | Pte. | D. Coy.
Roo, H | Sgt. | C. Coy.
Rooke, F | Pte. | D. Coy.
Rothwell, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Rothwell, J | L/Cpl. | B. Coy.
Rowe, J | L/Sgt. | D. Coy.
Rowley, C | Pte. | D. Coy.
Royston, W | Pte. | A Coy.
Rushton, A | Pte. | B. Coy.
Russell, E | Pte. | A Coy.
Ryder, E | Pte. | B. Coy.
Saddington, W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Sanderson, W | Pte. | D. Coy.
Sargent, H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Satephenson, J | Pte. | B. Coy.
Saxton, A | Pte. | B. Coy.
Saxton, H.A | Pte. | A Coy.
Scarborough, J.W | L/Sgt. | B. Coy.
Scott, T.L | Pte. | B. Coy.
Scott, W | Pte. | A Coy.
Sedgwick, H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Shackleton, A | Pte. | C. Coy.
Shackleton, A | Pte. | D. Coy.
Shackleton, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Shannon, M | Pte. | C. Coy.
Sharp, H | Cpl. | A Coy.
Sharpe, A.C | Pte. | B. Coy.
Sharpe, F.M | Pte. | A Coy.
Shaw, F | Pte. | A Coy.
Shaw, L | Pte. | A Coy.
Sheriff, M | Pte. | C. Coy.
Sherlock, M | Pte. | B. Coy.
Sherlock, T | Pte. | B. Coy.
Sherwin, A | Pte. | C. Coy.
Shorter, T.A | Pte. | A Coy.
Shuttleworth, V | Pte. | A Coy.
Shuttleworth, W | Pte. | A Coy.
Siddall, S.J | Pte. | C. Coy.
Simpson, B.K | Pte. | A Coy.
Simpson, E | Pte. | B. Coy.
Simpson, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Simpson, W | Cpl. | D. Coy.
Singleton, G | Pte. | C. Coy.
Slater, A | Pte. | B. Coy.
Slee, J. N | Pte. | D. Coy.
Smales, T.M | Pte. | C. Coy.
Smales, W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Smith, , G.R | Pte. | D. Coy.
Smith, A | Sgt. | B. Coy.
Smith, A | Pte. | B. Coy.
Smith, A.C | Sgt. | C. Coy.
Smith, A.V | Pte. | C. Coy.
Smith, A.V | Pte. | C. Coy.
Smith, C | Pte. | A Coy.
Smith, C | Pte. | D. Coy.
Smith, E | Pte. | C. Coy.
Smith, F | Pte. | B. Coy.
Smith, G.R | Pte. | A Coy.
Smith, G.R | Pte. | A Coy.
Smith, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Smith, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Smith, H. H | Pte. | A Coy.
Smith, I.G | Pte. | C. Coy.
Smith, J | Pte. | A Coy.
Smith, J | A/L/Cpl. | A Coy.
Smith, J | Cpl. | C. Coy.
Smith, J.A. | Pte. | D. Coy.
Smith, J.W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Smith, J.W. | Pte. | D. Coy.
Smith, Ja | Pte. | A Coy.
Smith, L | Pte. | B. Coy.
Smith, M | Pte. | B. Coy.
Smith, R | Pte. | A Coy.
Smith, R | Pte. | A Coy.
Smith, R | Pte. | C. Coy.
Smith, W | Pte. | A Coy.
Smith, W | Pte. | A Coy.
Smith, W | Pte. | D. Coy.
Smith, W.H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Smith, Wa | Pte. | C. Coy.
Smith, Wm | Pte. | C. Coy.
Smithson, A | Pte. | D. Coy.
Southwell, W | Pte. | A Coy.
Spedding, W.H | Cpl. | A Coy.
Speight, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Spencer, A | Pte. | A Coy.
Spencer, F | Pte. | A Coy.
Spencer, F | Pte. | B. Coy.
Spencer, J. T | Pte. | B. Coy.
Spencer, J.W | Pte. | A Coy.
Spencer, M | Pte. | B. Coy.
Spencer, W | Dvr. | D. Coy.
Spencer, W.B | Pte. | C. Coy.
Stables, C | Pte. | 62 Div.H.Q.
Stanley, W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Stapleton, A | Pte. | D. Coy.
Stapleton, F | Pte. | C. Coy.
Stead, A | Pte. | C. Coy.
Stead, J | Pte. | B. Coy.
Steele, A | Pte. | A Coy.
Stell, E | Pte. | B. Coy.
Stephenson, J | Pte. | A Coy.
Stevens, R | Pte. | C. Coy.
Stewart, R. W | Pte. | C. Coy.
Stoney, A | Pte. | B. Coy.
Stoney, H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Stopp, A | Pte. | A Coy.
Stork, F.H. | Pte. | D. Coy.
Stork, J | Dvr. | A Coy.
Stork, R.H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Stott, H | Pte. | A Coy.
Stowell, H.W | L/Cpl. | B. Coy.
Stubbs, J.A | Pte. | C. Coy.
Sturdy, J | Pte. | B. Coy.
Stutes, W | Pte. | A Coy.
Sugden, C | Pte. | C. Coy.
Sugden, J.W | Pte. | A Coy.
Sunderland, A | Pte. | A Coy.
Sutcliffe, C | Pte. | C. Coy.
Sutcliffe, G | Pte. | D. Coy.
Sutcliffe, H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Sutcliffe, W.H | L/Cpl. | C. Coy.
Swainbank, R | Pte. | A Coy.
Swann, A.P | L/Cpl. | B. Coy.
Sweeney, J | Pte. | A Coy.
Swift, J.H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Sykes, A | Pte. | C. Coy.
Talbot, G | Pte. | C. Coy.
Tate, J.W | L/Cpl. | B. Coy.
Taylor, H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Taylor, J | Pte. | D. Coy.
Taylor, J.C | Pte. | B. Coy.
Taylor, N | Pte. | A Coy.
Taylor, T | Pte. | B. Coy.
Teal, N | Pte. | D. Coy.
Teale, E | Pte. | B. Coy.
Terry, G | Pte. | D. Coy.
Thackeray, T | Pte. | C. Coy.
Thompson, A | Pte. | A Coy.
Thompson, E | Pte. | B. Coy.
Thompson, H | Pte. | A Coy.
Thompson, J | Pte. | D. Coy.
Thompson, W | Pte. | C. Coy.
Thompson, W | Pte. | A Coy.
Thrasher, H | C.S.M. | D. Coy.
Threlfall, D | Pte. | B. Coy.
Throup, L | Pte. | C. Coy.
Thwaite, J | Pte. | D. Coy.
Thwaites, E | Pte. | B. Coy.
Tiffany, A | Pte. | C. Coy.
Tillotson, F | Pte. | C. Coy.
Tillotson, H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Tillotson, P.T | Pte. | A Coy.
Tillotson, W | Pte. | C. Coy.
Titchmarsh, A | Pte. | D. Coy.
Tomlinson, L | Pte. | C. Coy.
Toothill, W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Topham, R | Cpl. | Water Duty
Town, G | Pte. | C. Coy.
Town, J | Pte. | 186 Inf. Bde.
Trigg, G.E. | Pte. | D. Coy.
Tuer, W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Tuley, Y | Pte. | D. Coy.
Turmer, S | Pte. | B. Coy.
Turner, C | Pte. | D. Coy.
Turner, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Turner, J.C | Pte. | D. Coy.
Turner, J.W | Pte. | C. Coy.
Turner, T | Pte. | B. Coy.
Tyrer, F | Pte. | C. Coy.
Tyson, W.L. | Pte. | D. Coy.
Vaughan, H | Pte. | A Coy.
Veale, F.H. | Pte. | D. Coy.
Vickers, T.E | Pte. | B. Coy.
Vollentine, C | Cpl. | A Coy.
Waddington, H | Pte. | A Coy.
Waite, F | Pte. | C. Coy.
Waite, H.B | Pte. | C. Coy.
Waite, W | Cpl. | D. Coy.
Walker, J | Pte. | A Coy.
Walker, J | Pte. | C. Coy.
Walker, J.M | Sgt. | C. Coy.
Walker, R | Pte. | C. Coy.
Walker, R.E | Sgt. | C. Coy.
Walker, T | Pte. | A Coy.
Walker, W | Dvr. | C. Coy.
Walkington, D | Pte. | B. Coy.
Walls, B | Pte. | C. Coy.
Walsh, D | Pte. | B. Coy.
Walton, J.T | Sgt. | B. Coy.
Wane, R | Pte. | A Coy.
Waterworth, R.J | Pte. | B. Coy.
Watkinson, F | Dvr. | B. Coy.
Watson, A | Pte. | C. Coy.
Watson, A.J | L/Cpl. | A Coy.
Watson, C | Pte. | D. Coy.
Watson, E | Pte. | B. Coy.
Watson, F | Pte. | B. Coy.
Watson, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Watson, J | Pte. | D. Coy.
Watson, T. H. | Pte. | A Coy.
Wear, A | L/Cpl. | A Coy.
Weavers, S | Pte. | C. Coy.
Webster, H.E. | Pte. | D. Coy.
Werson, H | Cpl. | C. Coy.
West, A | Cpl. | B. Coy.
West, J.A | Pte. | B. Coy.
West, R | Pte. | A Coy.
Whipp, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
White, F | Pte. | C. Coy.
White, T.H | Pte. | A Coy.
White, H | Pte. | A Coy.
Whitehead, J | Pte. | D. Coy.
Whitehead, P | Pte. | C. Coy.
Whitehead, T | Pte. | A Coy.
Whiteley, R | Pte. | B. Coy.
Whiteoak, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Whitfield, F | Pte. | D. Coy.
Whitham, J.S | Pte. | A Coy.
Whitham, J.W | Cpl. | C. Coy.
Whiting, H.J | Pte. | B. Coy.
Whittaker, D | Pte. | B. Coy.
Whittaker, F | Pte. | A Coy.
Whittaker, W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Wickwar, W | Pte. | D. Coy.
Widdup, S | Pte. | D. Coy.
Wigglesworth, H.L. | Pte. | D. Coy.
Wikle, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Wilcox, A | Pte. | D. Coy.
Wilde, C | Pte. | C. Coy.
Wilkin, T | Pte. | A Coy.
Wilkinson, E.H | L/Cpl. | C. Coy.
Wilkinson, H | L/Cpl. | A Coy.
Wilkinson, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Wilkinson, J.W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Wilkinson, T | Pte. | A Coy.
Wilkinson, T | R.Q.M.S. | D. Coy.
Wilkinson, W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Williams, F | Pte. | D. Coy.
Williams, J | Pte. | D. Coy.
Willmore, J.T | Pte. | C. Coy.
Willoughby, T | Pte. | B. Coy.
Wilson, A.G | Pte. | B. Coy.
Wilson, C.B | Pte. | B. Coy.
Wilson, E | Pte. | A Coy.
Wilson, G | Pte. | B. Coy.
Wilson, H | Cpl. | A Coy.
Wilson, H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Wilson, H | Pte. | D. Coy.
Wilson, J | Dvr. | A Coy.
Wilson, J | L/Sgt. | C. Coy.
Windle, M. B | Sgt. | A Coy.
Windle, P.L | Pte. | A Coy.
Windle, R | Pte. | C. Coy.
Winn, A | Pte. | C. Coy.
Winter, W.A. | C.Q.M.S. | D. Coy.
Winterburn, J | Pte. | D. Coy.
Winterburn, W | Cpl. | C. Coy.
Wood, A | Pte. | D. Coy.
Wood, C | Pte. | C. Coy.
Wood, L.W | Pte. | A Coy.
Wood, T | Pte. | 186 L/T.M.B.
Wood, T | Pte. | B. Coy.
Woodhead, E | Pte. | B. Coy.
Woodhead, J | Cpl. | A Coy.
Woof, T.W | Pte. | B. Coy.
Wrathall, E | Pte. | B. Coy.
Wray, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Wrigglesworth, H | Pte. | B. Coy.
Wright, F | Pte. | D. Coy.
Wright, G | Pte. | D. Coy.
Wright, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Wright, J | Pte. | B. Coy.
Wroe, G | Pte. | C. Coy.
Yates, F | Sgt. | A Coy.
Yeadon, H | Pte. | C. Coy.
Yeadon, J | Pte. | A Coy.
Young, H | Pte. | B. Coy.

Craven's Part in the Great War.

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