Haworth Oddfellows

The Haworth Oddfellows Roll of Honour/War Memorial was originally on display in the Oddfellows Hall building in Haworth, West Yorkshire.

(Please click on the image to see a larger version)

Haworth Oddfellows Roll of HonourIt measures approximately 2.4 metres square and takes the form of an illuminated board with the names listed alphabetically in gold lettering. The lists are of those members who served and returned, with a central section listing the members who made the supreme sacrifice in the Great War.
The memorial was removed from the hall and transferred into the care of Wyedean Weaving of Haworth in 2018, after discussions took place with the Managing Director Robin Wright, who said they would be honoured to become the new custodians.

(Please click on the image to see a larger version)

A grant was sought from the War Memorials Trust who very kindly agreed to fund 50% of the costs, supporting the funding already committed by Wyedean Weaving to conserve the memorial before it went on permanent display in the company boardroom.
A dedication service was held in November 2018 at Wyedean Weaving to unveil the memorial in it's new home. We would like to thank everyone associated with this venture, which has seen an 'at risk' memorial given a new lease of life and it's future assured.

(Please click on the image to see a larger version)

1914 ROLL OF HONOUR 1919
Grand United Order of Oddfellows
Woodlands Lodge, No. 185 Haworth Keighley

Frank Mawson Bailey
Wm Henry Bearsley
Lewis Butterfield
George Feather MM
Fred Greenwood
Albert Victor Hands
Joseph Martin
Charles Robertshaw
Arthur Rushworth
Joseph Wright

Anderton Fred
Bailey Hartley
Baldwin Frank
Bancroft Gilbert
Bennett David
Binns Sedgwick
Bradbury James E.
Brown Joseph
Brown Norman
Charnock Thos.
Clayton Albert
Collins Samuel
Denby Willie
Dodgson Albert
Feather Bertie
Feather Geo Harry
Feather Louis
Feather Robert E.
Fieldhouse George
Fletcher Briggs
Fletcher Jonas P.
Hartley Sutcliffe
Hatton Thomas
Heaton Willie
Holdsworth Eli Hey
Holdsworth Frank
Hodgson Lawson
Holmes Willie
Imeson Richard
Knowles John
Lofthouse Albert
Longworth William H.
Martin Frederick
Metcalfe Samuel
Metcalfe Willie
McLaren William H.
Nicholson John
Parker Abraham
Peacock Harold
Phillip Thomas
Pickles Ernest
Pickles Jonas
Pickles James R
Pedley Francis Geo.
Redman Joe Harry
Richards James E.
Robinson Herbert
Robinson William
Rushworth Louis
Schofield William
Shackleton George
Simpson Fred R.
Smales Isaac
Southam Daniel
Stanley Charles
Stanley Seth
Stobbs Charles Wm
Stoney Robt. Aykroyd
Sugden Abraham
Sugden Arthur
Sugden Walter
Summerson T.A
Taylor Walton
Tempest Edward
Thomas James
Thornton Jonas B.
Toothill Ben Kendal
Trafford Ernest A
Trafford Fred
Wakefield Fredk. A.
Whitaker Fred S.
Wood Wilfred
Woodward Matthew

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