Ingrow and Hermit Hole Conservative Club

The Ingrow and Hermit Hole Conservative Club roll of honour (Lost)

Ingrow and Hermit Hole Conservative Club - Invitation card

Ingrow and Hermit Hole Conservative Club - Order of service - front cover

Ingrow and Hermit Hole Conservative Club - Order of service - internal details

These cards are from the Herbert A. France archive (BK424), held at Keighley Library archives. They, along with the following newspaper records, are all the information we have on this lost roll of honour. We would be most grateful if anyone knows of the whereabouts of this roll of honour, or even the list of names which were inscribed upon it, as we don't even have that information. A photograph would be very much appreciated, should one exist.

Keighley News, Saturday, 22nd November 1919:

A roll of honour was unveiled at the Ingrow and Hermit Hole Conservative Club on Thursday evening by Mr. Robert Clough, M.P., in the absence of Miss Foulds, Woodbine, Keighley, owing to a family bereavement.
A large number of invitations had been sent out by the President (Mr. T. W. Crabtree) and the majority of them were accepted, the large billiard room being crowded to it's utmost capacity. The roll of honour, which is about 28in. by 24in., and enclosed in an oak frame, is a splendid specimen of the illuminator's art, and has been executed by Mr. W. S. Kelsall (Messrs. Billows and Co.). The roll contains the names of 118 members of the club, all in black lettering except thirteen, who have made the supreme sacrifice, these names being in crimson. The Union Jack appears on each side of the picture, and to the left is a figure, handing, as it were, a laurel wreath to the men on the record. Among the names are those of four men who have gained honours - one D.C.M., one D.C.M. and M.M., one Croix de Guerre, and one the Meritorious Service Medal. The arragement of the roll of honour is distinctly original, and the colouring delicate and perfectly harmonious.
Mr. J. Sagar occupied the chair, and supporting him were Mr. Clough, M.P., Mrs. Clough, Mr. A. Sellars, Mr. C. P. Cass, Mr. J. Rothera, Colonel Scatterty, Mr. Lance Lupton, and others.
The Chairman said the occasion was a unique one on the annals of the club. They had had meetings of every description, but never a gathering like the present one. (Applause.)
Mr. Crabtree said that as president of the club it was one of the proudest moments of his life to be present at the unveiling of the roll of honour. There were 118 names on the roll, and he thought it spoke well for Ingrow and Hermit Hole - (hear, hear.)- the New Road Side lads, as they were called. There was many a corner that had done its bit, but he thought that Ingrow stood out alone. It had been badly hit, but people had taken it as men and women ought to take it. Referring to the members of the club who joined the forces, the speaker said that although they would much rather have had them among them, they went out nobly and did their duty, and he hoped and trusted that the people at home would enjoy the peace the lads had fought for. (Applause.)
Mr. Clough then unveiled the roll of honour, and at the outset expressed regret that Miss Foulds was unable to perform the unveiling ceremony. He was sure they all tendered their deepest sympathy to Mr. Foulds, Miss Foulds, Mr. George Foulds, and Mrs. Robinson. Referring to the magnificent response from the club, Mr. Clough thought that 118 names from one club out of a membership of about 350 was a record that any place might be proud of, and he thought that because of that wonderful achievement the name should be changed from Hermit Hole to "Top Hole." (Hear, hear.) "I do not know what thoughts you have at a ceremony like this," proceeded Mr. Clough, "but my one thought is that we must try and learn something from the sacrifices made during the years 1914 to 1918. Men were willing to risk all that this country might have liberty and freedom, and if we are to be allowed to live the lives of Britons and enjoy the freedom that has been handed down to us, and if the lads were willing to fight and die for their country, I am sure we ought to be willing to work for our country."
If Britain was to remain great, it would only remain great if we continued the same unity which existed during the war. It was only because we had nothing of creed, class or party, and because there had been four or five years of coalition and unity that our county came through the experience. Mr. Clough referred to the wonderful sight in Whitehall on the occasion of the two minute's celebration of the signing of the armistice, and said he felt now, as he did on the occasion, that all should try in some way or either by unity, energy, or determination to do what they could in their own way to carry on the traditions of this country and make it worth the sacrifice the gallant lads had made. (Applause.)
Mr. C. P. Cass, in moving a vote of thanks to Mr. Clough, said that the latter had taken a very great interest in all who served during the war, and continued to do so. (Hear, hear.) Now we had peace, said Mr. Cass, it was hoped that those who had fought for us would enjoy the peace, and that the time would come when they would look upon each other as comrades as they did during the war. If a man was good enough to fight with his masters he was good enough to live with them. "As one who left Keighley as early in the war as anybody," continued Mr. Cass, "I feel that we, and the town and country owe a debt of gratitude to this club." (Applause.)
Mr J. Rothera seconded the vote of thanks, which was heartily carried. Mr. Clough briefly responded.
The proceedings at the club terminated with whole hearted signing of the hymn "Fight the Good Foght" and the "National Anthem," and afterwards the whole party were conveyed to the Municipal Hall by special tramcars, and there altogether about 300 guests were entertained to an excellent supper by Mr. Crabtree, who had left nothing undone for the comfort and entertainment of his guests.
The Municipal Hall had been tastefully decorated for the occasion, and the ten large tables were well filled. It was a memorable gathering. An orchestra, arranged by Dr. J. N. Dobie, discoursed music during the supper. Afterwards dancing was indulged in, and a capital concert was provided for the non-dancers, the artists comprising Miss Miranda Sugden (soprano), Miss Clara Fortune (contralto), Mr. A. Greenwood (tenor), Mr. Bilborough bass), and Mr. L. Hardy (humorist).

Keighley News 28th July 1917, page 6:
A portrait of the late Private Arthur Ryder, who died in the Huddersfield War Hospital some time ago, was unveiled at the Ingrow and Hermit Hole Conservative Club yesterday evening week.
Mr. Joe Sagar, who presided, referred to the sterling character of the late soldier. He was a man, he said, was held in high esteeem by all who knew him, and he was highly respected by the Vicar and congregation of St, Paul's Church, Halifax, where he officiated as organist before he joined the colours. In unveiling the portrait Mr. T. W. Crabtree (president) spoke in high terms of the late soldier, and mentioned that this was the sixth portrait of a member of the club who had died on active service which he as president had unveiled. An enjoyable musical programme was sustained during the evening by Mr. F. G. Wilson, tenor (Bradford), Mr. W. H. Smith (Bradford), and Mr. James Dewhirst (piano-forte soloist). Mr. J. C. Ramsden officiated as accompanist.

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