
Our specific work relating to the Great War Centenary and how we have been dealing with it.

2014 events:

Date boards commemorating the start of the Great War Centenary, created by Councillor Russell Brown

Date boards commemorating the start of the Great War Centenary, created by Councillor Russell Brown.

We began the Centenary of the Great War in our area, on Saturday 5th August 2014 by parading the standard of Keighley branch of the  Old Contemptibles' Association, on a hill overlooking Oxenhope in front of a set of placards depicting the years 1914 and 2014 with a large poppy,  made by Councillor Russell Brown and local schoolchildren.

We were honoured by the presence of Lord Mayor of Bradford Councillor Mike oxnopsign1914-2014poppyGibbons, who very kindly attended this event and held the standard with us to mark the occasion.





Andy Wade describes the standard of the Keighley Old Contempibles' Association

Andy Wade describes the standard of the Keighley Old Contempibles' Association

Shortly afterwards, in association with Keighley Town Council and Mayor Graham Mitchell, we held a ceremony in Keighley's Town Hall Square which remembered the "Old Contemptibles", in particular, the men of Keighley and District who returned from the war and later set up the Keighley branch of the Old Contemptibles' Association. We paraded their standard, read out the names of the men from our archived records who were members of the association after the war, and held a reception for the relatives of these men.

This was complemented by an exhibit on the Old Contemptibles Association in Keighley Library. which was later moved to the large display cabinet in Airedale Shopping Centre in the fortnight prior to Remembrance Day.

On Remembrance Day we produced a list of those from the area who had been killed in 1914, and names were also read out at Haworth and Oakworth of the men from those villages who died in that year.

We've features on:


Shows and Galas

Special Events

Our Keighley News column

We've also saved some war memorials and organised conservation work on local artifacts:

Physical Archive

KOCA Standard

And all this on top of our work researching local people who served in the Great War.

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