
Poppy verge

A roadside poppy and cornflower verge at Holme House, Goose Eye, near Keighley

We have collated lists of the names of men who died in each centenary year and these have been read out in Keighley and some villages at Remembrance Day during the centenary period. For example we read out 1914 names in 2014, 1915 names in 2015, etc., and intend to continue this pattern until all the names have been read out. We do it in this way because there are simply too many names to be able to read them all out in one year.

There are 904 names in the Keighley Roll of Honour book for the Great War. We have also found many extra names connected with the area who aren't on the main rolls of honour. Visit the page links below for the list of names for each year:

The Fallen of 1914      The Fallen of 1915      The Fallen of 1916       The Fallen of 1917       The Fallen of 1918

1 Response

  1. My uncle Norman Wilson Webster was a King's Sargent in The Green Howards. I have his medals , his story and some of his war records. Would these be of interest to your project?

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