Here are the names we have researched of those men local to Keighley and the Worth Valley, who died in 1916.
This list of names has been compiled from primary and secondary sources and each man named was either born, lived or worked in Keighley and the villages of the Worth Valley before or during World War One.
We believe that these are the same criteria used to create the original Rolls of Honour, the lists of our fallen which are kept in Keighley Library, and on local village war memorials.
If you know of anyone missing from this list of 1916 'fallen', please let us know.
Private Harry Barwick, West Riding Regiment. He was killed in action by a shell on 16th September, at Leipzig Salient, Thiepval, and is buried in Blighty Valley Cemetery, Authuille Wood.
Gunner Herbert Bell, Royal Field Artillery. Died of Enteritis on the 30th June whilst a prisoner of war of the Turkish forces, at Adana, Turkey. He has no known grave and is remembered on the Basra War Memorial.
Private Willie Dixon,West Riding Regiment. He was killed in action at Forceville on 3rd September in a failed attack on German lines at River Ancre. He is buried at Mill Road Cemetery, Thiepval.
Fred W. Greenwood, West Riding Regiment. Died in France on 11th September of wounds received in action a few days previously, and buried at Etaples Military Cemetery.
Albert Victor Hands, West Riding Regiment. Shot through the head by a sniper on 3rd October. His grave was lost and he is remembered on the Thiepval memorial.
Gunner Harry Hodgson, Royal Field Artillery. Met with a fatal accident while being thrown from a wagon passing over shell holes in France on 2nd September. Buried in Cote 80 French National Cemetery, Etinehem.
William Thomas Kilmister,West Riding Regiment. He was killed on the 30th September 1916, during a successful attack on the German lines. He has no known resting place and is remembered on the Thiepval memorial.
Private William Metcalfe, West Yorkshire Regiment. Born in Pateley Bridge and living in Haworth when he enlisted here. He was killed in action on 1st July, the first day of the Battle of the Somme, and is buried at Fricourt New Military Cemetery in France.
Private George Mills, West Riding Regiment. Died on 29th October, four days after discharge from the Army, and buried in West Lane Methodist Chapel Yard.
Lance Corporal John William Parker, West Riding Regiment. Killed in action on 4th October. He has no known grave and is remembered on the Thiepval Memorial. Lived in Cross Roads.
Clifford Robinson, West Riding Regiment. Killed by a shell explosion on 16th September. He has no known grave and is remembered on the Thiepval memorial.
Private Lewis Roper, West Riding Regiment. Died of dysentery on 21st September and was buried at Etaples Military Cemetery in France.
2nd Lt Frederick Arthur Rushworth. Killed in fighting at Hessian Trench and Stuff Redoubt on the Somme on 29th September. He has no known final resting place and he is remembered on the Thiepval Memorial.
Lance Corporal Robert Sugden, West Riding Regiment. Killed in action at Becourt Wood trenches on 29th July during attacks made on German lines. He is buried in Contalmaison Chateau Cemetery, France.
Private Arthur Uttley, West Riding Regiment. He was killed in action on 30th August and he is buried in Faubourg D'Amiens Cemetery, Arras.
Private Garnet Walton. West Riding Regiment. Believed to have been killed in action during a British raiding party on German trenches on the night of 20th November. He has no known final resting place and is remembered on Thiepval Memorial.
One Stanbury man died in 1916, his name was read out on Remembrance Day at Haworth in 2016:
Private Heaton Whitaker was wounded in action and had been home convalescing. After recovery he was sent to Brocton Army Camp in Staffordshire and tragically drowned on 5th August, whilst bathing in a river near the camp. He is buried in Stanbury Cemetery.
Nine Bocking, Cross Roads and Lees men died in 1916, their names were read out on Remembrance Day at Cross Roads Park in 2016:
Private Arthur Bower. West Riding Regiment. Died on 20th April of Epilepsy in Rugeley Camp Hospital, Staffordshire whilst in training. Buried on Penistone Hill in Haworth Cemetery.
Private Ernest William Caley. West Yorkshire Regiment (Second Battalion, Bradford Pals). Killed in action by gas poisoning on 25th October and is buried in Sailly-Au-Bois Military Cemetery, near Arras, France.
Private Horatio Claughton. Northumberland Fusiliers. Died of wounds on 26th September and has no known final resting place. He is remembered on the Thiepval Memorial in France.
Private Harry Jowett. West Yorkshire Regiment (First Battalion, Bradford Pals) Killed in action on 1st July, the first day of the battle of the Somme. He has no known grave and is remembered on the Thiepval Memorial.
Fitter Luther McKechnie. 156 Brigade, Royal Field Artillery. Killed in action on 5th September by an explosion which killed three other comrades, including a father and son serving together. They are all buried in adjoining graves in Dartmoor Cemetery, Becordel-Becourt, France.
Private Harry Mitchell. Scots Guards. Killed in action on 25th September. He has no known final resting place and is remembered on the Thiepval Memorial.
Lance Corporal John William Parker, West Riding Regiment. Killed in action on 4th October. He has no known grave and is remembered on the Thiepval Memorial.
Sapper Percy Shackleton. 74th Field Company, Royal Engineers. Killed in action on 16th March. Buried in Noeux-Les-Mines Communal Cemetery, near Arras, France.
Lance Corporal Joseph Stell. West Yorkshire Regiment. (Second Battalion, Bradford Pals) Killed in action on 1st July, the first day of the Battle of the Somme. He has no known grave and is remembered on the Thiepval Memorial.
Eight Oakworth men died in 1916, their names were read out on Remembrance Day at Oakworth in 2016:
Private Joseph Thomas Robinson was the son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Midgley, of Slack Farm, Oakworth. He was formerly a butcher employed by the Keighley Co-operative Society, but emigrated to New Zealand in 1912. There, he joined a colonial contingent when war broke out.
His death was caused by a bomb wound to his left leg and shock. He died at no 8 Casualty Clearing Station on 10th June 1916 and was buried in Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension.
Private Joseph Hale was born in Oakworth in 1883, son of Richard and Emma Hale. They lived at 4, Sykes Top, and Moore Street, Oakworth. He had two sisters and three brothers. He worked as a labourer, then a quarryman and lived in Beechcliffe, Keighley with his wife Lilian and two daughters. They were living at Steeton before he enlisted in August 1915 with the First Bradford Pals who were the 16th Battalion Prince of Wales Own West Yorkshire Regiment. He was killed in action on the 1st July, the first day of the Battle of the Somme. His body was never found and he is remembered on the Thiepval Memorial.
Private Arthur Julian, 10th Battalion Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) Born Driffield, living at Streethead Farm, Oakworth. Arthur went missing, presumed killed, on 29th July1916 after a heavy bombardment of German artillery. He had been out at the front for just one month. His body was never found and he is remembered on the Thiepval memorial in France.
Private Richard Baker of the 1st Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment lived at no. 6, Oldfield. He enlisted in the Army in September, 1914, and went to France in January 1915. He was evacuated after a large attack at Ypres on the 8th August 1916 and died the next day of phosgene gas poisoning and was buried at Essex Farm Cemetery in Belgium.
Rifleman Oswald Holt Johnson, 3rd Battalion Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own). Born Oakworth, living in Ansdell, Lancashire. He was killed in action during an attack on German lines near Guillemont village in France on 18th August 1916 and was buried in Delville Wood Cemetery.
Private Fred Binns of the 3rd Battalion Royal Scots. Born Oakworth. As an Army reservist, he was recalled to the colours at the outbreak of war and went to France on 31st August 1914 with the Royal Scots. He had been invalided home to 86, Chip Hill, Oakworth to convalesce from wounds received at the front but was admitted to Leeds Hospital where he died from of liver cancer on 10th April 1916. He is buried at Christchurch in Oakworth.
Private Thomas Robinson of the 10th Battalion King's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry). Born in Oakworth and living at Ansdell in Lancashire when he enlisted for the Army in Keighley in September 1915. Killed in action on 25th September 1916 about ¾ mile NW of Loos during a German bombardment. His body was never found and he is remembered on the Thiepval memorial.
Private Frank Midgley was the son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Midgley, of Slack Lane Farm, Oakworth, and prior to his enlistment in January 1916 had been employed for about five years by Messrs. J. Waterhouse and Sons, shuttle peg makers, Oakworth. He went out to the front early in July and was killed in action on October 7th 1916. His body was never found and he is remembered on the Thiepval Memorial.
Two hundred and sixty nine Keighley men died in 1916, their names were read out on Remembrance Day at Keighley in 2016: by Sea Cadet First Class, Jak Fox; Army Cadet, Chloe Butlin; Marine Cadet First Class, Joe Judson; Air Training Corps Cadet, Arran Greenwood:
Thomas Allsop
Arthur Anderton
Stanley Archibald
Richard Baker
John Baldwin
Robert Baldwin
Arthur Barran
James Arthur Barrett
Corbet Jesse Barringer
Rowland Murgatroyd Bartrim
Harry Barwick
Thomas Robinson Barwick
Harold Bell
Fred Benson
Thomas Berry
Albert Binns
Fred Binns
Lewis Binns
Thomas Metcalf Birtle
George Bland
Tom Bland
Hubert Bottomley
William Bottomley
Harry Bright
Alfred Edward Broadhead
Oscar Brown
John Ernest Buck
Issac Buckley
John Reginald Butterfield
Ernest William Caley
William Calvert
Frederick George Carlton
Tom Carr
Thomas B Cartman
Frank Chapman
Algie Clarkson
Horatio Claughton
John Clayton
Arthur John Clement
Alan Clough
Wright Cockshott
George Clifford Cole
Martin Collins
William Cooper
Jowett Coulton
William Court
Asa Craven
John Craven
Robert Walter Cummings
Collins Dale
Edward Davis
Ernest Dawson
Hubert Dawson
Arthur Lambert Debenham
Willie R Dixon
James Dove
Matthew Dove
John Dray
Albert Herbert Driver
Herbert Driver
William Duffy
Lewis Earnshaw
Willie Earnshaw
Thomas Frederick Ellis
Frederick Towers Ellison
George William Ely
Daniel Faulkner
Ernest Arthur Feather
Willie Feather
John William Fennel
John Finan
Robert Fossey
Thomas Gibbons
Seth Gibson
John Gill
William Glew
Benjamin Richardson Graham
Roy Grayston
Joseph Green
Fred Wright Greenwood
George Greenwood
William Haige
Albert Victor Hands
Martin Haran
Smith Hardacre
Herbert Harper
John Hartley
Joseph Hartley
Harry Hattersley
Willie Hewitt
Joseph Habbajam Higgs
Roland Hill
Alfred Hodgson
Harry Hodgson
John William Hodgson
Edward Holgate
John Henry Holmes
Wilfred Holmes
John W Hopkins
Cedric Fawcett Horsfall
Ernest Hoyles
Herbert Hudson
William Hudson
William Ernest Hudson
Bert Hutchinson
George Albert Hutchinson
John William Ibbotson
Thomas Jackson
William James Jakeman
Herbert Johnson
Herbert Jones
William Jordan
Fred Jowett
William Henry Jowett
Arthur Julian
Michael Kelleher
Francis Kelly
Charles Kent
William Thomas Kilmister
Herbert Lake
David William Laycock
William Edgar Laycock
James Robert Lee
Thomas William Lemon
William Walter Liddemore
Richard Veevers Lister
Bernard Locker
Fred Lockwood
Edward Loftus
John Loftus
Garnett Longbottom
Charles Lowndes
Sam Lowndes
Kenneth Macaulay
William Henry Maddocks
Francis Hurbert Maltby
George Henry Manning
Charles Markham
Hartley Marks
William Mathers
Robert H Mawson
Joseph Meegan
Thomas McHugh
Luther McKechnie
Joseph McKniff
John William McMain
James McVay
Frank Midgley
Willie Midgley
Harry Mitchell
George Moorland
John William Morton
George William Moules
George Naylor
William Balme Naylor
John Nelson
John Newton
Richard Nicholson
William Nicholson
Harold Normington
David Nuttall
John William Parker
Thomas Reid Parker
Harold W Parrish
William H Pattinson
William Forbert Pearson
Sylvester Petty
Albert Pickard
John Thomas Powis
George Pritchard
William Proctor
Edgar Pullen
Richard Johnson Purnell
Ernest Raistrick
Thomas Ramsden
Tom Ramsden
Peter Rape
John Thomas Raw
William Reeves
Arthur Rhodes
Douglas Rhodes
Willie Richmond
George Robbins
Clifford Robinson
Joseph Thomas Robinson
Leonard Robinson
Sam Robinson
Thomas Robinson
William Ogilvie Robson
Herbert Rooke
Lewis Abraham Roper
Joseph Faulds Ross
Richard Rossall
James Rowley
John Ruff
John Rush
George Mellor Sanderson
Samuel Middleton Scaife
Arthur Heaton Scott
David Celeste Scott
Edmund Clifford Scott
Joseph Shackleton
Percy Shackleton
Fred Sharp
William Shreeve
Thomas Whitaker Shuttleworth
Claude Smith Slater
Albert Smith
Alvin Smith
Arthur Benjamin Smith
Ernest Smith
Frank Smith
Herbert Smith
John E Smith
Samuel Smith
William Robert Smith
Emmott Snowden
Hartley Snowden
James Harold Sorton
Edward Spencer
Joseph Stell
Robert Sugden
Tom Summerskill
William Hartley Sutcliffe
Joseph William Tatton
Ellis Taylor
Fred Taylor
Harold Taylor
Henry Taylor
William Henry Teal
Francis Richmond Thompson
Frank Thompson
Jack Thornborough
Harry Thornton
Henry Throup
Matthew Horseman Towers
Albert William Tune
Arthur Uttley
Clifford George Unwin
Arthur Waddington
Herbert Waddington
George William Wade
Charles James Walker
Fred Walker
John Charles Walker
James Lister Wall
Harry Walmsley
John Walsh
Thomas Walsh
Garnet Walton
William Warner
Norman Waterhouse
John H Waters
William Weeder
Heaton Whitaker
James Edward Whitaker
Walter Whitaker
Richard Whitehall
William Whittaker
John William Wildman
Richard Wiles
John Clarence Wilson
Thomas H Wood
Walter Woodhead
Frederick Arthur Woodwiss
Thomas Stanley Wrigglesworth
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