The Fallen of 1917

Here are the names we have researched of those men local to Keighley and the Worth Valley, who died in 1917.

This list of names has been compiled from primary and secondary sources and each man named was either born, lived or worked in Keighley and the villages of the Worth Valley before or during World War One.
We believe that these are the same criteria used to create the original Rolls of Honour, the lists of our fallen which are kept in Keighley Library, and on local village war memorials.
If you know of anyone missing from this list of 1917 'fallen', please let us know.

Forty Haworth men died in 1917, their names read out on Remembrance Day at Haworth in 2017:

Joseph Henry Bailey. 27th November.
Mawson Frank Bailey. 5th October.
Joseph James Bell. 23rd June.
George William Bellwood. 12th October.
Charles Bennett. 27th August.
Frederick Ulysses Carr. 10th November.
Nathan Coates. 3rd March.
Thomas Collier. 12th July.
Fred Davis. 8th September.
W. A. G. Dolby. 20th September.
James Garthwaite. 3rd May.
Fred Greenwood. 7th June.
James Harker. 9th October.
Willie Hollindrake. 27th November.
James E. Holmes. 26th November.
James Lynch. 20th November.
Joseph Merry. 31st July.
John Arnold Mitchell. 12th March.
Bertie North 5th August.
John E. Parker. 10th February.
George Peacock. 7th June.
Obadiah Peacock. 6th October.
Robert Peacock. 30th May.
Fred Palace Pickles. 11th December.
Harold Ratcliffe. 9th October.
Arthur Reddihough. 13th May.
Robert E. Scarborough. 12th May.
John Edward Siddle. 7th June.
Arthur Smith. 3rd May.
Jonas Snowden. 10th October.
Alfred Southam. 24th February.
Wright Stanley. 3rd May.
Timothy Todd. 27th April.
Young Waddington. 3rd July.
John Arthur Weller. 31st July.
Charley White. 14th June.
Thomas Whittaker. 15th October.
William H. Wilmot. 21st September.
Harold Wood. 1st June.
Haydn Wood. 13th September.

Eight Stanbury man died in 1917, their names read out on Remembrance Day at Haworth in 2017:

George William Bellwood. 12th October.
Lewis Butterfield. 29th May.
Ira Greenwood. 23rd December.
Jas Edward Heaton. 26th November.
Robert E. Scarborough. 12th May.
Luke Shackleton. 19th October.
George Robert Marmaduke Stanbury Taylor. 30th September. (Ponden Hall)
Thomas Toase. 21st January.

Seventeen Bocking, Cross Roads and Lees men died in 1917, their names read out on Remembrance Day at Cross Roads Park in 2017:

William Ackroyd. 1st May.
Fred Coates. 5th September.
Richard M. Davies. 15th November.
Nelson Dufton. 28th April.
Thomas Garforth. 9th October.
Jonas Gill. 4th July.
Samuel Arnold Gott. 4th April.
William Heaton. 30th August.
Herbert Nicholson. 3rd May.
Tom Nixon. 3rd May.
Norman Preston. 28th April.
Ernest Richmond. 10th October.
Charles Robertshaw. 27th March.
Wright Stanley. 3rd May.
Willie Walsh. 5th December.
George C. F. Wane 22nd September.
Horace Wood. 9th June.

Twenty-six Oakworth men died in 1917, their names read out on Remembrance Day at Oakworth in 2017:

Private John T. Alderson. Wounded and missing, presumed dead, 7th June. Menin Gate Memorial.
Private Clifford Baxandall. Missing presumed dead, 3rd May. Arras Memorial.
Private Ernest Byram. Killed in action, 16th September. Ypres Reservoir Cemetery.
Captain Arthur Norman Cousin. 7th December. Roclincourt Military Cemetery.
Lieutenant Allan Green. Killed by shrapnel, 19th August. St. Nicholas British Cemetery.
Corporal Herbert Heaton. Killed in action, 27th November. Cambrai Memorial.
Private Fred Moore. Died, 10th February. Bray Military Cemetery.
Private Allan Pickles. Died of wounds, 30th September. Canada Farm Cemetery.
Private Norman Powell. Killed in action 5th September. Wieltje Farm Cemetery.
Rifleman William H. Priestley. Shot by a sniper, 19th October. Tyne Cot memorial.
Lance-Corporal William Roe. Killed in action 17th January. Thiepval memorial.
Private Arthur Ryder. Died in hospital 29th March. St Paul's Churchyard, King Cross, Halifax.
Sergeant Arthur Smith. Died of wounds, 7th October. Oxford Road Cemetery.
Second Lieutenant John Paget Sugden. Killed, 8th August. Menin Gate Memorial.
Private Norman Walbank. Killed, 20th September. Tyne Cot Memorial.
Private Luther Wilkinson. Died, 16th March. Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery.
Private Fred Coates. Died of wounds, 5th September. Grevillers British Cemetery, France.
Private John Arthur Cole. Killed in action, 20th November. Cambrai Memorial, France.
Private James Bertram Creek. Killed in action 28th August. Tyne Cot Memorial, Belgium.
Private John Dunnett. Killed in action, 18th October. Buried in Potijze Chateau Lawn Cemetery, Belgium.
Private William Robinson Fletcher. Died of wounds, 28th April 1917. Merville Communal Cemetery Extension, France.
Private George Hodgetts. Killed in action, 29th June. Arras Memorial, France.
Private William Norman Holt. Killed in action, 7th March. Basra Memorial, Iraq.
Private Fred Nixon. Died of wounds on 20th December. Etaples Military Cemetery, France.
Private Tom Nixon. Killed in action on 3rd May. H.A.C. Cemetery, Ecouste-St. Mein, France.
Private Arthur Percy Wakefield. Missing in action (presumed killed) 3rd May. Arras memorial, France.

Four hundred and sixteen Keighley men died in 1917, their names read out on Remembrance Day at Keighley in 2017:

Clifford Hewson Abbott
James Ackroyd
William Ackroyd
Lewis Edward Ainley
John William Ainsworth
John Edwin Armstrong
Willie Atkinson
Bertie Robert Ayers
Albert Lister Backhouse
James Bailey
Joseph Henry Bailey
Frank Mawsom Bailey
George Arthur Baker
Thomas Baldwin
John William Baldwin
James M Bancroft
George Norman Barber
Albert Baron
Benjamin Bartle
George Barwick
Robert Rowney Beckett
Albert Bell
Joseph James Bell
Stephen Bell
George W Bellwood
Walter Benson
John P C V Binner
George Henry Binns
Harold Binns
Fred Binns
Joseph Edward Birtwistle
Albert Blades
George Bland
Walter Blenkarn
Samuel Booth
Ambrose Bower
Edward Bradley
Thomas Brady
Joseph Briars
Alfred Edward Broadhead
Cuthbert Brookes
Harry Driver Brooks
Henry Brown
Philip Brown
Albert Brown
Morris Buckley
Harry Burnett
Francis Butler
William Butterfield
Ernest Byram
George Capper
James Carney
Arthur A Carrodus
Frank Carter
James Catlow
Fred Chapman
Albert B Chatterton
James R Clapham
Thomas Clapham
John Clark
Peter Clark
Wilfred Clarkson
Joseph Clayton
James Clough
Fred Coates
Wilfred Coates
Joseph Coates
Robert John Coles
Hugh Cobrey
Clifford Cockshott
John Arthur Cole
Thomas Collier
Henry Coward
James Bertram Creek
Henry Cross
John Crossley
James Crump
Ellis Cunliffe
George Davis
Harry Davy
Walter Dawson
George William Dean
William Denby
Jonas Denby
Frederick George Devenish
Harry Keighley Dickinson
John Edward Dixon
Frank Dixon
William A G Dolby
William Isaac Driver
Charles Driver
John Driver
John Duffy
Nelson Dufton
Harri Willis Edwards
Clifton Emmott
Edward Faulkner
Arthur Feather
Harry Feather
George Ernest Feather
Harold Firth
George Fisher
Willie Robinson Fletcher
Ernest Albert Ford
Francis Foster
Wilfred Foster
Benjamin H Freeman
Ernest French
Thomas Alda Friend
Coulson Fryer
Michael Gallagher
Thomas Garforth
William Garner
James Garthwaite
Ronald Vane Gee
Jonas Gill
Charles Henry Gill
Ralph Oscar Gladstone
John Sawyer Gostling
Ernest Gott
Samuel Arnold Gott
Fred Granger
Arthur Granger
Allan Green
Thomas Green
William Foster Green
Timothy Green
Ira Greenwood
Joseph Henry Greenwood
Fred Greenwood
John Willie Greenwood
Harold Gregson
Thomas Haggarty
John Thomas Hall
Richard Hampson
William Hampton
William Hanson
Arthur James Happs
Matthew Percy Happs
Ernest Hardcastle
Fred Hardy
Alfred Hargreaves
Maurice Hargreaves
Willie Hargreaves
Alfred Hargreaves
James Joseph Harker
Munroe Harrison
Wilfrid Harrison
Alfred Hartley
Joseph Hartley
Fred Hayes
Herbert Heaton
William Heaton
William Heaton
James Edward Heaton
Charles H Hemmingway
James Percy Henderson
Duke Hollingsworth
Charles E Houldsworth
Lawrence Hey
Harry Hill
Harold Hillary
Arthur Hinchliffe
George Hindley
Thomas Hogan
Edward Holgate
William Hollingate
James Edward Holmes
Thomas Holmes
William Holmes
Thomas Howland
William Hoyle
John Hubbard
John Hudson
Henry Hunt
Clifford Hutchinson
Arthur Ingham
George Inskip
George Ion
Clifford Isherwood
Arthur Jarman
Walter Jeffrey
Walter Johnson
Albert Johnson
Tom Joy
Anthony Kelly
Thomas Kelly
Henry Kennedy
Henry Kirkley
Walter Lambert
Percy Land
Edward T Large
Frederick T Larrington
Joseph Lawson
Ernest Layne
Joseph Layton
John Leach
Cyril Lee
Walt Lewis
William Walter Liddemore
Arthur Lilley
William Linford
George B Lister
Stanley Little
William Long
Walter Allen Lowis
Ernest Lund
William Andrew Lund
Stephen Lund
James Lynch
George Mason
David Mason
Fred Matthews
John Sydney Mattock
Joe Harry Mawson
David Balfour Mclaren
James Mclaughlin
Willie Mcshee
Joseph Merry
Elijah Midgley
Joseph Edward Midgley
Walter Midgley
William Miller
Tom Millward
John Arnold Mitchell
Arnold Mitchell
Alfred Moore
Fred Moore
James Moore
Arthur Moore
Albert Moore
William Moran
Thomas Henry Morton
James Mosley
William Mosley
Arthur Moule
Thomas Moyle
Samuel Naylor
Ernest Frederick Neale
Ernest Percival Newell
Arthur James Newman
Charles William
Clifford Nicholson
Herbert Nicholson
James Kilner Nicholson
Matthew Nightingale
Fred Nixon
Tom Nixon
Ernest Albert Nixon
Bertie Nock
James Normington
Willis O'hara
Frank Overend
John Edward Parker
Smith Parker
Christopher Parkinson
Emanuel Parratt
Fred Pawson
Walter Peach
Obadiah Peacock
Robert Peacock
George Peacock
John Wilfred Pedley
James Henry Peel
Arthur Peel
William Petty
Norman Phillip
Willie Pickard
Fred Pickles
Alan Pickles
Harry Pickles
Leonard Pickles
James Herbert Pitt
Sydney Plumb
Reggie H Pope
Albert Powell
Arthur Powell
Norman Powell
Norman Preston
William H Priestley
Victor Procter
Harold Ratcliffe
Clifford Ratcliffe
Joshua Henry Ratlidge
Edgar Raw
John Dixon Read
Percy Redman
Howell Rees
Cecil Rhodes
Ernest Edwin Richmond
Arthur Riddihough
Wilfrid Rishworth
Morris Rishworth
Keith Rishworth
Clifford Roberts
Charles Robertshaw
Arthur Robinson
Noble Robinson
Moses Rayner Robinson
George William Robson
William Roe
Horace Roff
Arthur Rossiter
Thomas Rushworth
Arthur Ryder
William J Saddington
Harry Sawley
Nicholas Sawley
Robert E Scarborough
Frank Scott
Thomas Henry Senior
James W Shackleton
Luke Shackleton
Thomas S Shackleton
Stanley William Sharp
Walter Shepherd
John Shutt
Matthew Leng Shutt
Riley Shuttleworth
Herbert Shuttleworth
John Thomas Siddle
Willie R Simons
Joseph Simpson
William Oxley Simpson
Albert Slater
Alfred Lewis Slater
Harry Slater
Arthur Smith
Fred Smith
James Smith
Joseph Smith
Richard Smith
Tom Smith
Tom Smith
William Smith
Harlan Smith
Gordon Smith
David Smith
John William Smith
Edwin Smith
William Henry Smith
Jonas Snowden
Walter Snowden
Edwin Charles Soper
Alfred Southam
James Henry Southern
William Henry Spedding
Ernest Spencer
Fletcher Spencer
Hugh Manning Spencer
John Henry Spencer
Thomas Spencer
John Spencer
Wright Stanley
Harry Steadman
Albert Stoddart
Jonas Smith Stoney
James Stubbs
John William Sugden
Thomas Edward Sugden
Archibald Sunderland
John Sunderland
Percy Swift
Arthur Frederick Sykes
Harry Sykes
Stephen Tatham
Harry Tatton
Frank Thompson
Thomas Thompson
Tom Thompson
George F Thorpe
Leonard Throup
Harry Tillotson
Timothy Todd
Lewis Topham
Albert Edward Vyner
Harry Wade
Joshua Taylor Wade
Thomas Wadsworth
Amos Wagstaffe
Arthur Percy Wakefield
Ernest Wakeling
Norman Wallbank
Harold Walker
Joseph R O Walker
Robert Coates Walker
Leopold W W Wallis
William Walsh
Charlie A Walton
Harry Foster Walton
John Thomas Walton
George Charles F Wane
George W Waterhouse
Frank Waterhouse
Ernest Watson
Arthur James Watson
John Arthur Weller
Alfred West
Herbert Whipp
Herbert William White
Charles William White
Hervey Whitehead
Luther Wilkinson
Stanley Williamson
William Harold Wilmot
Harold Wilson
Alec Wilson
George Wilson
Cameron Wilson
Harold Wood
Haydn Wood
Horace Wood
Thomas Wood
Harry Wood
Ernest Woodhead
Arthur Wright
Norman Wright

1 Response

  1. matthew leng shut KIA 10 or 18 August 1917 Can you tell me how I find out how he died,I was related

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