Acorn Fund Grant for equipment

We're very pleased to have been able to obtain a grant for equipment through Keighley Town Council's Acorn Fund Grant system. We've been able to purchase a brand new gazebo which we will use for shows and other outdoor events, and a new banner which will go on the gazebo.

Here's the new gazebo complete with banner at it's first outing, Keighley's Armed Forces Day event at Victoria Park. With Andy Wade are Keighley's Mayor, Councillor Javaid Akhtar of the Lawkholme and Showfield Ward, and Councillor Amjid Ahmed of the Highfield Ward.

Our new gazebo and banner at Keighley's Armed Forces Day at Victoria Park, Keighley

Our new gazebo and banner at Keighley's Armed Forces Day at Victoria Park, Keighley. Andy Wade with Mayor Javaid Akhtar and Councillor Amjid Ahmed

We'd like to thank the Town Council for their very generous support of our project, Councillor Peter Corkindale of Oakworth Ward for his support of the grant application and Town Clerk Safia Kauser for her help with everything.

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