Private Edward Davis

A white circle with a glove crossing it's fingers and the words: Made Possible with Heritage Fund.This man is a candidate for addition to Keighley's Supplementary Volume under the proposal to add further names in 2024, the centenary of the original roll of honour.
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Supported by the National Lottery's Heritage Fund, our project intends to submit about 120 names for peer review to add them to the book which is kept at Keighley Library. The unveiling of the book with it's new names is planned for November 2024, 100 years after the unveiling of the original war memorial.

Private, B Company, 1/6th Battalion, Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment. Service no. 4504.

Early life:

Edward was born in Kendal, Westmorland in 1883, his birth was registered in Kendal in the second quarter of that year. His parents were Edward Davis and Dorothy Davis (née Hayton) who were married at Kendal in 1873.

In the 1891 census Edward was eight years old and at school. Their house was at 141, Hermit Hole near Ingrow, Keighley. Father Edward was a stone mason. Edward had seven siblings who were Joseph aged 16, Elizabeth aged 15, Margaret aged 13, Dora aged 10, John William aged 4 and Mary Jane aged just 1 year. The place of birth column indicates they'd all been born in Westmorland, indicating that they'd made a fairly recent move to the Keighley area, as their youngest child Mary J. was only 1.

By 1901 Edward was 18 and a stone mason's apprentice, probably working with his father. The family was living at 28, Damems Road. His siblings were all working in textiles, probably at one of the three local worsted mills: Grove Mill, Ingrow Mill, or Damems Mill, which were all within walking distance of their home.
Their father Edward died in 1905.

In 1911 the family were still living at 28, Damems Road. Edward was 28 and had changed occupation from stone mason, to being employed as a carter for a coal merchant, so he probably worked out of one or both of the Ingrow railway stations which were just down the road.
His older brother Joseph and older sister Elizabeth had both left home and his younger brother John William had emigrated to Canada, so the family home consisted of their mother Dorothy age 60, two older sisters, Margaret age 33 and Dora age 30, then Edward age 28 and his two younger sisters, Mary Jane age 21 and Clara age 15. The girls were all still employed in the textile trade.

War service:
Edward attested for the duration of the war with B Company of the 3/6th Battalion West Riding Regiment, at Skipton on 10th June 1915. At the time he was living at 13, Turkey Street in Keighley.
He was given a medical check at Skipton on the same day and his details were recorded as:
Age 28, 1/2 years old. Trade: Carter. Height, 5 feet 3 inches. with a 36 inch chest.
He had good physical development and good vision.
He went to Clipstone Camp (which was still under construction at the time) for his Army training. On 6th December that year he was absent from tattoo until 11.45 pm on 13th December. The next day he was found guilty and forfeited six days pay (the period he was absent for) and then he was also deprived of 14 days pay.
On 8th January 1916 he was again absent from tattoo until being found in bed at reveille on 9th January. This time he forfeited 1 days pay and was deprived of a further 7 days pay.
There are no further transgressions in his records and after serving for 277 days at 'Home' he embarked for France at Southampton on 13th March 1916, joining the Base Depot on 14th March.
['Home' means he was still serving in the UK, he had not been posted overseas]
He joined his new unit, the 1/6th Battalion West Riding Regiment on 27th March 1916 and his experience was recorded in their Battalion war diary:

WO-95/2901/2, War diary, 1/6th Battalion West Riding Regiment:

War diary entry for the period of Edward's service with them:
27th March. 9 - 3.30.
2nd Lieutenant J. W. Denison and 2nd Lieutenant C. M. Perfect, together with a draft of 49 other ranks joined for duty with the Battalion.
The Battalion worked on the railway the next day and then moved to TOUTENCOURT, a distance of three miles.
The next day they marched about eight miles to HEDAUVILLE, reaching the camp in a heavy snowstorm when they were accompdated in tents and endured a frosty night.
31st March.
The day was devoted to moving HEDAUVILLE CAMP to another part of the wood. A remarkable change in the weather saw the snow disappear and it became very warm.

The first week in April saw a period of warm weather and work was carried out preparing trenches in AVELUY WOOD and the diary records that it was most agreeable camping in the hot weather.
On 8th April the weather turned cooler as rain had appeared in the night. It turned very wet a few days later making the work arduous.
The battalion continued working each day until 23rd April when they were relieved by the 1/4th Battalion West Riding Regiment and were bussed to NAOURS to spend a while in some very good billets.
The Battalion spent the next week cleaning up kit and with training and inspections on parade. Instruction in attacking methods was carried out with tactical exercises being undertaken to attack entrenched positions.

The month of May saw further training at NAOURS in Divisonal tactical exercises with bayonet fighting and signalling sections establishing signals by flags and lamps.
Further bayonet training and battalion shoots took place, with further innoculations being carried out on 6th May.
Church parade saw the Divisional band accompanying the hymns.
8th May.
The battalion marched to the Aerodrome and practiced attacking the woods. There were heavy showers and the men sheltered in the empty Aeroplane sheds, which proved very useful as shelters.
10th May. The Battalion went on a route march of about 14 miles, specialist training in wood fighting formation in the afternoon.
15th May. A very wet night and morning. The Battalion exercised at VERT GALLAND in the afternoon.
Battalion took part in Brigade Tactical Exercises near CANAPLES.
17th May. First day of 49th Division Horse Show near BOIS de CANAPLES. A beautiful day.
18th May. More specialist training.
19th May. The Battalion bivouaced on night of 19/20 in BELLEVAL WOOD and carried out training in night operations. A beautiful night.
21st May. Battalion attended Divisional Church of England Service.
23rd May. Battalion training in attack at VERT GALLAND.
24th May. Battalion attended baths and carried out specialist training. Three men were wounded in premature explosion of rifle grenade.
26th May. Battalion exercised on VERT GALLAND AERODROME.
27th May. Battalion supplied working party of 400 men for work at a 4th Army Trench Mortar School.
The last few days of the month saw more of the same exercises and training, culmination in witnessing a demonstration of an assault of hostile trenches carried out by 5th West Riding Regiment at WARGNIES.
The Battalion marched to RUBEMPRE where they were in very good billets for one night.

June 1916 saw the Battalion march through HERISSART, TOUTENCOURT, MARPONVILLE, VARENNES to HEDAUVILLE where A & B Companies were billeted. C & D Companies proceeded to FORCEVILLE.
Battalions were on working parties and specialist training for two days.
June 3rd saw Battalion attend a church parade with the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. HM the King's Birthday Honours included:
Captain NB Chaffers and Captain PL Smith receiving the Military Cross, Sgt Bury receiving the Distinguished Conduct medal and Company Sergeant Major Hartley received the Military Medal.
The next few days saw Companies receive baths, a 12 miles route march with Major Clarkson.
Several high ranking officers moved commands.
Battalion employed on working parties. Company & specialist training.
A & B Company joined C and D at FORCEVILLE.
11th June. Whitsunday Church Parade.
More working parties on cable laying and barbed wire trench concertina wire, road repair work, dug outs and several more days on working parties in wet weather.
17th June. B & D Companies moved to AUTHUILLE for working parties. Reconnaisances carried out by officers of crossings of River ANCRE.
The next week saw more working parties, one in Thiepval Wood. on 23rd June some of the battalion moved to concentrate with Brigade at CONTAY. Part of Battalion marches through VARENNES HARPONVILLE and reaches CONTAY Part moves from AUTHILLE to joinr 147 Brigade to BOUZINCOURT and proceeded via SENLIS and WARLOY to CONTAY. Heavy rain. Billets excellent.
25th June. Divine service. Major General PERCIVAL C.B., awards decorations (see June 4th entry)
Battalion have baths in the Divisional baths at VADENCOURT.
27th June Battalion moves into billets at WARLOY.
WARLOY. 28th June.
Battalion receives orders to move into assembly trenches at AVELUY WOOD and with other units of 49 Division form the Reserve of the X CORPS.
The X CORPS together with troops on either flanks has orders to assault and capture hostile trenches. A very wet day indeed. Order to move cancelled.
29th June. Battalion remained at WARLOY. a fine day.
30th June. Battalion moved to assembly trenches in AVELUY WOOD on night of June 30/July 1st. No casualties during move.

July 1st. 2 am. Battalion arrived at B Group assembly trenches, in AVELUY WOOD at point W11.a.5.5., and in conjunction with other units of the 49 Division formed the reserve of the X Corps, which was to assume the offensive on this date.
Throughout the night our artillery was very active, and at 6.30 am an intensive bombardment was opened on enemy defences.
7.30 am. Zero hour, at which time the assault was begun by the leading divisions, 1e., 32nd and 36th.
11.30 am.
Battalion moved to the East side of the ANCRE, and occupied the Northern half of CRUCIFIX dugouts. The day was spent here. Our artillery was very active all day, but the enemy did not retaliate at this point. A fine day with hot sun.
no. 1663 Pte. Barrett, A. D Coy woulnded in legs and back.
No. 3109 Pte. Smith, F. D Coy, wounded in back (remained on duty.)
No. 2131 Pte. Green, T. H. D Coy, wounded in back (remained on duty.)

Most of the day spent here, a few shells fell close to the battalion but little damage was done.
9.30 pm.
The battalion moved to BELFAST CITY in THIEPVAL WOOD with the idea that it was to support the 5th West Riding Regiment who had been ordered to attack the enemy trenches opposite THIEPVAL. These orders were however cancelled. The battalion experienced the greatest difficulty in getting into position, which was caused by meeting numerous parties of troops coming down from the front line. The enemy shelled the wood very heavily, and the battalion was fortunate in suffering so few casualties.
11 am.
The battalion was withdrawn from THIEPVAL WOOD to AVELUY WOOD and occupied assembly trenches at W35.c.5.8.
Capt A.C. Haddow RAMC wounded in both legs by shell.
2 Lieut. P H Bain slightly wounded in head.
No. 3962 Pte. Metcalfe, J. wounded in head.
No. 310 Coy Sgt Major Richardson, T. wounded in stomach by shell (dangerously)
No. 3058 Pte. Hudson, A. wounded by shell.
No. 3788 L/Cpl. Nixon, H.G., D Coy, wounded in leg and shoulder.
No. 2975 Pte. Atkinson M.W., D Coy, slight wound in head.
No. 1659 Pte. Barron, A., D Coy, wounded by shell.
No. 4000 Pte. Foster, J., D Coy, wounded by shell.
No. 2488 Pte. Burgess, W., A Coy killed by shell.
No. 2717 Pte. Whittaker, J.R., A Coy wounded in hand.
No. 2065 Pte. Horner, G., A Coy, Shell shock.
No. 3174 Pte. Wilkins, B.J., A Coy, buried by shell.
No. 4246 Pte. Wilkins, J., A Coy, shell shock.
No. 2342 Sgt. Clarkson, L., B Coy, wounded in hand (remained on duty).
Casualties Continued.
No. 4553 Sgt. Sutcliffe, N., B Coy, wounded in finger (remained on duty).
No. 5638 Pte. Bryan, H., B Coy, wounded in head.
No. 2959 Pte. Cunningham, E., B Coy, wounded left forearm.
No. 5656 Pte. Deighton, G.H., B Coy, wounded in head.
No. 5686 Pte. Graham, A., C Coy, killed by shrapnel.
No. 2431 Pte. Russell, D., C Coy, wounded in ear.
No. 3441 Pte. Priestley, L., C Coy, wounded in neck.
No. 3254 Pte. Mellor, W., C Coy, wounded in back.
No. 2626 Pte. Troughton, W., C Coy, wounded in shoulder.
No. 4845 Pte. Hudson, W., C Coy, missing.
No. 2267 Pte. Noble R., D Coy, wounded in head.
No. 2599 Pte. Stell, H., D Coy, slight wound in hand.
No. 4847 Pte. Birch, H., C Coy, wounded in thigh. (died of wounds 7/7/16) Buried No 1 Can. Ganeral Hospital Etaples. Grave no B 254.
No. 5732 Pte. Mellor, W., C Coy, wounded in back.

A quiet day, spent in wood. In the afternoon there was a very heavy thunderstorm, and rain fell for about four hours.
8.30 pm.
The battalion left the wood to relieve the 8th South lancs who were holding British front line trenches just South of THIEPVAL WOOD. Trenches were in a very bad state, and had suffered much during recent bombardment. Many British dead were lying in and about the trenches.
Dispostion of battalion as follows:-
H.Q. at JONSTON'S POST. A Coy on right with two platoons in front line and two in support. B Coy in centre, two platoons in front line, two in support, and two platoons of C Coy in front line. The reamining two platoons of C and the whole of D Coy were in trenches close to JOHNSTON'S POST.

The trenches were very heavily shelled at irregular inervals during the day and night, chiefly with light shrapnel and small H.E.
Rain fell during the day, and trenches became very wet.
Many dead were buried.
2 Lieut. J. S. Clapham shell shock.
No. 1961 Cpl. Hardaker, H., C Coy, wounded in foot.
No. 3214 Pte. Wooff, E.T., C Coy, Killed.
No. 2232 L/Cpl. Vickers, J., C Coy, wounded in head and ankle.
No. 1970 Pte. Hodgson, A., C Coy wounded in neck, leg and shoulder.
No. 2960 Pte. Gunning, T., C Coy, wounded in head, mouth and hand.
No. 4160 Pte. Jackson, E., C Coy, wounded in both legs.
No. 4167 Pte. Longfellow, H., C Coy, wounded in leg.
No. 4415 Pte. Faffer, W., B Coy, shell shock.
No. 4356 Pte. Jones, L., B Coy, wounded in left forearm.
No. 4192 Pte. Mottershead, C., A Coy, wounded in hand.
No. 3708 Pte. Hale, S., C Coy, wounded in hand.
No. 5639 Pte. Buckley, W., A Coy, wounded in knee.
No. 2830 Pte. Davis, D., A Coy, shell shock.

Trenches. 5th.
Casualties Continued.
No. 4798 Pte. Hoyle, G. A Coy, wounded in back.
No. 4556 Pte. Hudson, E., A Coy, wounded in groin.
No. 5571 Pte. Sunderland, H. A Coy, wounded in foot.
No. 5742 Pte. Thornton, B., A Coy, wounded in foot.
No. 4876 Pte. Wignall, J., A Coy, wounded in knee.
No. 2798 Pte. Whittaker, J., A Coy, wounded (remained on duty).
No. 4449 Pte. Bell, D., D Coy, shell shock (remained on duty).
No. 2787 Pte. Chapman, T., A Coy, shell shock (remained on duty).
No. 4267 Pte. Anderson, P., A Coy, wounded in shoulder.
No. 4200 Pte. Laycock, J., A Coy, wounded in arm.
No. 2467 Pte. Turnbull, W., A Coy, wounded in hand.
No. 2349 Sgt. Hawley, E. A Coy, wounded in leg.
No. 1634 Sgt. Pryke, A., A coy, shell shock.
No. 1635 Cpl. Simpson, M., A Coy, wounded.
No. 5653 Pte. Cook, H. A Coy, shell shock.
No. 4460 Pte. Mullarkey, J., A Coy, shell shock.
No. 5668 Pte. Greenwood, W., A Coy, wounded in shoulder.
No. 1823 Pte. Simpson, A., A Coy, shell shock.
No. 3150 Cpl. Craven, A., B Coy, killed.
No. 1787 Pte. Feather, W., B Coy, killed.
No. 4543 Pte. Pte. Rawnsley, W., B Coy, killed.

Trenches. 5th. Casualties (continued).
No. 4607 Pte. Heys, J.E., B Coy, killed.
No. 2929 Pte. Burrows, J., B Coy, wounded in left shoulder.
No. 1670 Pte. Greenwood, G.A., B Coy, wounded in head.
No. 1913 Pte. Southgate, G., B Coy, shell shock.
No. 1938 Pte. Sutcliffe, A. B Coy, buried and shell shock.
No. 3026 Pte. McBurnie, J., B Coy, buried and shell shock. B Coy, buried and shell shock.
No. 1841 Pte. Simpson, H., B Coy, buried and shell shock.
No. 4823 Cpl. Hudson, A., B Coy, Shell shock.
No. 3991 Pte. Sykes, C., B Coy, Shell shock.
No. 5688 Pte. Haigh, H., B Coy, Shell shock.
No. 4355 L/Cpl. Chaplin, J., B Coy, Shell shock.
No. 4140 Sgt. Partridge, H., B Coy, wound slightly.
No. 3454 Pte. Drake, J., C Coy, gassed.
No. 5657 Pte. Dennison, H. C Coy, shell wound.
No. 3972 Pte. Snowden, T.C., Buried by shell.

Trenches. 6th.
Trenches were again heavily shelled during the day. Many more dead were buried, and much cleaning up was done.
No. 3231 Pte. Foster, A. B Coy, wounded in back.
No. 1740 Pte. Clarke, W. C Coy, wounded in knee.
No. 2574 Pte. Benson, A., C Coy, missing.

Trenches. 7th.
7.25 am.
In conjunction with other operations the battalion made a smoke barrage from 7.25 am to 8.50 am. Owing to an unfavourable wind the smoke did not cross "no man's land" and was blown back over our own trenches. Enemy shelled on front and support lines during the time of the barraghe and continued to shell during the whole day, at regular intervals.
9.0 pm.
The battalion extended it's frontage to the left to come under the orders of G.O.C. 148 Infantry Brigade. the 147 Infantry Brigade less 6th West Riding Regiment was withdrawn from the line.
No. 2742 Cpl. Milne, R.H., A Coy, wounded in nose
No. 2284 L/Cpl. Hedges, A., A Coy, wounded in arm.
No. 2798 Pte. Whitaker, J.W., A coy, wounded in face.
No. 4722 Pte. Peck, H. A Coy, wounded in back.
No. 4422 Pte. Willis, O.L., A Coy, wounded in leg.
No. 2994 Pte. Purdy, W.H., A Coy, shell shock.
No. 2783 Pte. Conyers, S. A Coy, wounded in shoulder.
No. 4181 Pte. Simpson, W., A Coy, wounded in side.
No. 2479 Pte. Chew, J.R., A Coy, wounded knee.
No. 1630 Pte. Champion, H., B Coy, wounded in shoulder.
No. 3994 Pte. Beetham, J.W., B Coy, buried and shell shock.
No. 1799 Pte. Ellershaw W.E., C Coy, killed.

Trenches. 7th. Casualties (continued)
No. 2382 Pte. Holmes, E., C Coy, wounded in arm.
No. 2502 Pte. Bunnick, T., C Coy, wounded in arm.
No. 4309 Pte. Holmes, I., C Coy, wounded in arm.
No. 2980 Pte. Collins, R., C Coy, wounded in arm.
No. 1870 Pte. Dove, E., C Coy, wounded in arm.
No. 3208 Cpl. McShee, W., D Coy, wounded, (remained on duty).
No. 2777 L/Cpl. Broster, R.D., D Coy, wounded in leg (remained on duty).
No. 4603 Pte. Crabtree, T., D Coy, wounded in leg.
No. 2210 Pte. Leach, R., D Coy, wounded in face.
No. 5711 Pte. Hardy, G.A., B Coy, wounded in head and knee.
No. 2699 Pte. Lee, E., B Coy, wounded in shoulder.

Trenches. 8th.
A quiet day, enemy artillery much less active. Odd shells were fired throughout the day, but little damage was done.
The 147 Brigade came back into the line, and the battalion again came under their command. The battalion diminished its frontage to what it originally held, and its left now rested on BUCHANAN ST. The 4th West Riding Regiment were on the left of ^ West Riding Regiment and 1/5th West Yorkshire Regiment on right.
Casualties nil.

Trenches. 9th.
A quiet day and much work was done. It was fine and trenches began to dry up. Many more dead were buried.
The battalion was relieved by 1/7th west Riding Regiment, and went into Brigade Reserve at the NORTHERN BLUFF. Q.36.c.7.7.
No. 3959 Pte. Howker, W., D Coy, wounded in foot/remained on duty.
No. 2785 Pte. Varley, J., A Coy, killed.
No. 4481 L/Cpl. Reeder, D, A Coy, wounded in shoulder/remained on duty.
No. 2799 Pte. Slater, R., C Coy, wounded in head.
No. 4553 Sgt. Sutcliffe, N., B Coy, wounded in heel.
No. 4170 Pte. MacNamara, T., B Coy, wounded in shoulder.
No. 4721 Pte. Waterworth, J., B Coy, wounded in leg.

A fine day, and fairly quiet. Enemy sent over shrapnel and light H.E. (High Explosive) at intervals throughout the day.
No. 3371 Pte. Thomas, H., D Coy, wounded in leg.

Another fine day, a few more shells than on the tenth.
Battalion carried rations to the whole Brigade.
No. 4207 Cpl. Moore, C.R. C Coy, wounded in buttock.
No. 4310 Pte. Lund, M.H., C Coy, wounded in buttock.
No. 2503 Pte. Saul, E., C Coy, slight wound in elbow.
No. 2627 Pte. Taylor, G.W., C Coy, wounded in back.

A fairly quiet day, Enemy sent some odd shells througout the day which caused some casualties. The weather was fine, but cold for the time of year
No. 2769 Pte. Gaunt. J., C Coy, shell wound in jaw.
No. 1786 Cpl. Horner, J., D Coy, wounded in hand (remained on duty).
No. 4152 Pte. Kelly, G., B Coy, wounded in right leg.
No. 2199 Pte. Blenkarn, P., B Coy, shrapnel wound in right shoulder.
No. 4734 Pte. Ward, A., B Coy, shrapnel wound in left foot.
No. 2799 Pte. Smith, W., B Coy, wounded in right arm.
No. 2590 Pte. Tillotson, J.E., D Coy, wounded in armpit.
No. 4410 Pte. Pawson, P., B Coy, killed. Buried in BLACK HORSE CEMETERY. W.6.a.2.2.

A quiet day. Enemy shelled ground West of the ANCRE. Our artillery active at intervals during day and night.
No. 4166 Pte. Tillotson, W., D Coy, shell shock.
No. 2343 Pte. Bamforth, A., D Coy, slightly wounded in hand.
Our artillery very active from 2 a.m. to 3 a.m. Enemy did not retaliate on the BLUFF. Some rain during the morning, but fine after 10 a.m.
No. 2223 Pte. Thompson, J. B Coy, wounded in calf.
No. 2509 Pte. Bower, A., B Coy. wounded.
No. 4164 Pte. Garlick, J., A Coy, wounded in head.
No. 2112 Pte. Hartley, R., A Coy, wounded in head.

A quiet day except at MCMAHON'S POST, which (was) shelled during the afternoon.
8.30 p.m.
The battalion relieved 1/7th West Riding Regiment in the right sub-sector. The relief was carried out without any casualties. The night was quiet. Trenches dry and much improved since the battalion was in six days ago.
Casualties nil.

Ou artillery bombarded enemy lines opposite battalion front at 3 a.m. The rest of the day was quiet. A few shells fell near JOHNSTON'S POST. Some rain during day, which made trenches dirty.
Casualties nil.

Except for a few odd shells fired by enemy, a quiet day.
2nd. Lieutenant Wood, G. O., wounded by shell splinter in left forearm and left thigh.
2nd. Lieutenant Gill, F.B., wounded by shell splinter in back (very slight).
No. 1655 Pte. Uttley, A., D Coy, shell wound in both thighs.
No. 2109 Cpl. Rawnsley, D., C Coy, shell wound in right arm.
No. 2262 Pte. Kennedy, E., C Coy shell wound in left forearm.
No. 4730 Pte. Chapman, M., C Coy, shell wound in face and left arm.

TRENCHES. 18th. Another quiet day, nothing to report. Casualties nil.

Enemy shelled front line at intervals during day.
Battalion was relieved by 1/7th West Riding Regiment and went into Brigade reserve at NORTHERN BLUFF. B Company occupied the MOUND, MCMAHON'S POST, and MILL KEEP.
No. 4532 Pte. Hartley, W., A Coy, wounded in side.
No. 4424 Pte. Nicholas, F., A Coy slight wound in shoulder.
No. 4245 Pte. Barker, H. A., A coy, wounded in left leg.

Quiet day. Battalion carried rations for the other battalions of the Brigade, and found three working parties of 1 officer and 30 men each.
Casualties:- nil.

Nothing to report. A fine day.
2nd Lieutenant T. G. Brown wounded by a piece of falling tree caused by shell.

Another quiet day.
No. 3115 Pte. Smith, J., D Coy, wounded in right arm.

A quiet day. Battalion relieved 1/7th West Riding Regiment on night of 23/24 July and took over the line from UNION STREET inclusive to THIEPVAL AVENUE exclusive.
The relief was effected without casualties.

A fine day and trenches very dry. Very little shelling by enemy.
A draft of 25 other ranks joined from 49th Division reinforcement camp and were posted to A Company.

Fine weather continued. The morning was quiet. At about 12.30 p.m. the enemy started shelling our front and support lines. They increased intensity until it developed into a heavy bombardment, which lasted until 5 p.m. JOHNSTON'S POST was also heavily shelled.
The trenches were badly damaged in many places, but the damage and total casualties were small considering the intensity of the enemy's fire.
Our artillery retaliation during the bombardment did not appear heavy.
No. 2342 Sgt. Clarkson, L., B Coy, killed by shell. Buried France sheet 57d.S.E. Q.30.d.4.2.
No. 2589 L/Cpl. Thornborough, J. B Coy, killed by shell. Buried France sheet 57d.S.E. Q.30.d.4.2.
No. 5729 Pte. Kay, J., B Coy, killed by shell. Buried France sheet 57d.S.E. Q.30.d.4.2.
No. 4204 Pte. Bentley, S., C Coy, killed by shell. Buried France sheet 57d.S.E. Q.30.d.4.2.
No. 4636 Pte. Barr, H., D Coy, killed by shell. Buried France sheet 57d.S.E. Q.30.d.4.2.
No. 3368 Pte. Holden, S., B Coy, killed by shell. Buried France sheet 57d.S.E. Q.30.d.4.2.
No. 3165 Pte. Gibson S., B Coy, wounded shrapnel in both legs.
No. 2096 Pte. Armstrong, W.R., A Coy, wounded in face remained on duty.
No. 4225 Pte. Smith, A. H., A Coy, wounded shrapnel in left arm.

A quiet day. Nothing to report.
Another 25 came up to the battalion and were posted to C Company.

Our sixty pound trench mortar fired about a dozen rounds on enemy front line. A few shells fell on our own trenches during the day. D Company received a draft of 25 other ranks.
No. 4846 Pte. Scrivener, J.A., B Coy, shell shock and buried.
No. 3239 Pte. Penny, J.A., B Coy, shell wound in both legs.

Edward had served for 133 days with the battalion before his death on 27th July, from wounds received in action, having served for 1 year and 45 days.

Keighley News 9th September 1916 page 8:

Private E. Davis (4504), West Riding Regiment, of Keighley, has died from wounds, and Private T. Robinson (13988), also of the West Riding Regiment and Keighley, and Bombardier W. Calvert (40620), Royal Field Artillery, of Ingrow, have all been killed. All three deaths have been officially announced during the past week.
A sandstone panel on a war memorial, inscribed with the names of local men who had died in the Great War
His mother Dora received his Victory Medal on 14th June 1921. She would have also received his British War Medal and any personal effects. It's also likely she received a memorial plaque and King's Certificate.
As his next of kin she also received his outstanding Army pay which amounted to £5 5s. 0d. on 20th November 1916 and a further amount of 14 shillings and 11 pence was sent to his brother, John William Davis on the same date.
Dorothy also received a war gratuity of £4 on 8th November 1919. No records have been found of a war pension being paid out.


Edward has no known final resting place and is remembered in France on the Thiepval Memorial, Pier and Face 6 A and 6 B.
He is remembered locally on the Ingrow War Memorial in the churchyard of St. John's Church at Ingrow, Keighley.
He is not named in the Keighley Borough roll of honour book in Keighley Library.

His brother, Private John William Davis was also killed in the war, whilst serving with the Canadian Army.

Information sources:

England & Wales, Civil Registration Birth Index, 1837-1915
1891 England Census
1901 England Census
England & Wales, Civil Registration Death Index, 1837-1915
1911 England Census
British Army World War I Service Records, 1914-1920
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
Soldiers Died in the Great War, 1914-1919
British Army World War I Medal Rolls Index Cards, 1914-1920
World War I Service Medal and Award Rolls, 1914-1920
Army Registers of Soldiers' Effects, 1901-1929
Keighley News archives at Keighley Library
National archives - WO-95/2901/2, War diary, 1/6th Battalion Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment.

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