We're aiming to transcribe all local newspaper references to local men and women who served in the Great War and need people who can type to come forward to help us with it please. You can do as much or as little as you wish.
We estimate that we have about a fifth of the Keighley News 'Local War Casualties' columns already transcribed. There are approximately 200 columns in total for the whole period of the Great War. And there's also the Second World War casualties columns to be transcribed after that. So if you're thinking of volunteering for this, you'll be most welcome to join us!
How it works:
We email you an image of the 'Local War Casualties' column and you type it word for word into a notepad text file and email it back to us. These transcriptions will be used to do two things. Firstly, to record the newspaper's coverage of the war, and secondly we will copy and paste relevant paragraphs into an individual's record on the Men of Worth Project database. Please stay true to the text in the image. If there's a word you can't identify, please just leave a large space to show there's a missing word.
We don't need you to alter the text by making it bold or italic, or to make it look like a newspaper column, it's just the raw text we require. Similarly we use a text file like notepad because it does not add anything complicated to the plain text.
Here's a couple of images to show what the column looks like and what the transcribed version should look like.
Please click on any image to see it full size and use your back button to return to this page. If you decide you'd like to help out with this, please contact us with your email address and we'll send out the first image for you to get started on. All you have to do then is transcribe it and email your finished transcription back to us and we'll send you the next one, assuming you would like to do another. Thank you!