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Why ‘Men’ of Worth?
When we started researching in 2001, we found only names of men on local memorials and as we felt their sacrifice had ‘worth’ and most of them lived around the river Worth we felt the name was apt. Also, Keighley’s motto is ‘By Worth’, which fits rather neatly with our name. We have since expanded our research to include everyone from Keighley and the Worth Valley who served in wartime and are currently focussing on women in the Red Cross Voluntary Aid Detachment who were mostly nurses.
We are also researching conscientious objectors from the area.
Our Project researches local people from Keighley and the Worth Valley who served the country in wartime. Our earliest records are of soldiers who fought before the Battle of Waterloo!
We follow all available sources of information and use the information in these sources to create a biography about each person for our archive.
Please contact us through our ‘Submit’ page form to add a person to the archive.
If you would like to work with us or join our Project, please visit our ‘Contact’ page under ‘About’ in the menus at the top of this page.